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There are 19 five-letter words containing A, D, N and R

ADORNadorn v. To make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate.
adorn n. (Obsolete) adornment.
adorn adj. (Obsolete) adorned; ornate.
ANDROandro n. (Informal) Androstenedione.
andro adj. Androgynous.
andro- pref. Human.
BRANDbrand n. (Obsolete, rare) A conflagration; a flame.
brand n. (Archaic or poetic) A piece of burning wood or peat, or a glowing cinder.
brand n. (Scotland, Northern England) A torch used for signaling.
DARNSdarns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of darn.
DARN v. to mend with interlacing stitches.
DEARNdearn n. Alternative form of dern.
dearn adj. Alternative form of dern.
dearn v. Alternative form of dern.
DENARdenar n. The currency of North Macedonia, divided into 100 deni.
DENAR n. a monetary unit of Macedonia.
DINARdinar n. The official currency of several countries, including Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya…
dinar n. (Historical) An ancient Arab gold coin of 65 grains in weight.
DINAR n. a monetary unit in Yugoslavia.
DRAINdrain n. (Chiefly US, Canada) A conduit allowing liquid to flow out of an otherwise contained volume; a plughole (UK).
drain n. (Chiefly UK) An access point or conduit for rainwater that drains directly downstream in a (drainage)…
drain n. Something consuming resources and providing nothing in return.
DRANKdrank n. (Slang) Dextromethorphan.
drank n. (Slang) A drink, usually alcoholic.
drank v. Simple past tense of drink.
DRANTdrant v. (Scotland, dialect, transitive, intransitive) To drawl; to drone.
drant n. (Scotland, dialect) A droning tone.
Drant prop.n. A surname.
DRAWNdrawn v. Past participle of draw.
drawn adj. Appearing tired and unwell, as from stress; haggard.
drawn adj. Of a game: undecided; having no definite winner and loser.
GRANDgrand adj. (Augmentative) Large, senior (high-ranking), intense, extreme, or exceptional.
grand adj. (Usually in compound forms) Standing in the second or some more remote degree of parentage or descent (see grand-).
grand adj. (Ireland, Northern England, colloquial, otherwise dated) Fine; lovely.
NADIRnadir n. The point of the celestial sphere, directly opposite the zenith; inferior pole of the horizon; point…
nadir n. (Figuratively) The lowest point; time of greatest depression.
nadir n. (Astronomy) The axis of a projected conical shadow; the direction of the force of gravity at a location; down.
NARDSnards n. Plural of nard.
NARD v. to anoint with the aromatic oil spikenard.
RADONradon n. The chemical element (symbol Rn, formerly Ro) with atomic number 86. It is an odorless, colorless, chemically…
radon n. Radon-222 (22286Rn), the most stable isotope of this element,.
RADON n. a radioactive element, an inert gas.
RANDSrands n. Plural of rand.
Rands prop.n. An unincorporated community in Calhoun County, Iowa, United States.
RAND v. to rant.
RANDYrandy adj. Sexually aroused; full of sexual lust.
randy adj. (Chiefly Scotland) Rude or coarse in manner.
randy n. Impudent beggar.
RANIDranid adj. Of or pertaining to the true frogs.
ranid n. A true frog of the family Ranidae.
RANID n. any of a large family of frogs.
REDANredan n. A defensive fortification work in the shape of a V.
REDAN n. (French) a field fortification with two parapets meeting at an angle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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