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There are 12 five-letter words containing A, D, L and N

ALANDaland adv. (Obsolete) On dry land, as opposed to in the water.
aland adv. (Now rare, poetic) To the land; ashore.
Aland prop.n. Alternative spelling of Åland.
BLANDbland adj. Having a soothing effect; not irritating or stimulating.
bland adj. Lacking in taste or flavor.
bland adj. Lacking in vigor.
ELANDeland n. A genus of large South African antelope (Taurotragus), valued both for its hide and flesh.
Eland prop.n. A surname.
Eland prop.n. A village in Shawano County, Wisconsin, United States.
GLANDgland n. (Zoology) A specialized cell, group of cells, or organ of endothelial origin in the human or animal…
gland n. (Botany) A secretory structure on the surface of an organ.
gland n. (Mechanics) A compressable cylindrical case and its contents around a shaft where it passes through…
LADENladen adj. Weighed down with a load, burdened.
laden adj. Heavy.
laden adj. Oppressed.
LANDElande n. Obsolete form of land.
lande n. An uncultivated plain, especially a sandy track along the seashore in southwestern France.
LANDE n. (French) a heathy plain or sandy tract, esp. in SW France.
LANDSlands n. Plural of land.
lands v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of land.
LAND v. to set down on solid ground.
LAUNDlaund n. (Archaic) A grassy plain or pasture, especially surrounded by woodland; a glade.
LAUND n. (Shakespeare) a glade, a grassy place.
NALEDnaled n. A particular organophosphate insecticide.
naled n. A sheet-like layered mass of ice formed in freezing temperatures from the freezing of successive flows…
NALED n. an agricultural pesticide of low toxicity to mammals and rapidly degradable.
NIDALnidal adj. (Rare) Of or pertaining to nests.
nidal adj. (Rare, physiology) Of the uterus, exhibiting thickening before implantation of an ovum.
nidal adj. Of or pertaining to a nidus.
NODALnodal adj. Of the nature of, or relating to, a node.
nodal adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the nodus.
Nodal prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
ULNADulnad adv. (Anatomy) Toward the ulna.
ULNAD adj. toward the ulna, the inner and larger of the two bones of the forearm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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