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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 11 five-letter words containing A, D, I and P

APAIDapaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of apay.
APAY v. to satisfy, also APPAY.
APHIDaphid n. Sapsucking pest insect of the superfamily Aphidoidea; an aphidian.
APHID n. a plant-louse, a small homopterous insect that sucks plant juices, also APHIS.
PADISpadis n. Plural of padi.
PADI n. (Malay) a rice field, also PADDY.
PADRIpadri n. Plural of padre.
PADRE n. (Italian) father; a title given to priests; an army chaplain.
PARDIpardi interj. Obsolete form of pardie.
Pardi prop.n. A surname from Italian.
PARDI interj. (Shakespeare) assuredly, by God, used as a mild oath, also PARDEE, PARDIE, PARDY, PERDIE, PERDY.
PAVIDpavid adj. Fearful, timid.
PAVID adj. afraid; timid.
PLAIDplaid n. (Textiles) A type of twilled woollen cloth, often with a tartan or chequered pattern.
plaid n. A length of such material used as a piece of clothing, formerly worn in the Scottish Highlands and other…
plaid n. The typical chequered pattern of a plaid; tartan.
PODIApodia n. Plural of podium.
PODIUM n. (Latin) a low wall, serving as a foundation, a substructure, or a terrace wall.
RAPIDrapid adj. Very swift or quick.
rapid adj. Steep, changing altitude quickly. (of a slope)
rapid adj. Needing only a brief exposure time. (Of a lens, plate, film, etc.)
SAPIDsapid adj. Tasty, flavoursome or savoury.
SAPID adj. pleasantly flavoured.
VAPIDvapid adj. Offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging.
vapid adj. Lifeless, dull, or banal.
vapid adj. Tasteless, bland, or insipid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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