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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 9 five-letter words containing A, D, H and N

ADHANadhan n. (Islam) The call to prayer, which consisted originally of simply four takbirs followed by the statement…
ADHAN n. (Arabic) the Muslim call to prayer, also AZAN.
AHINDahind prep. (Dialect) behind.
AHIND adv. (dialect) behind, also AHINT, AHENT.
BANDHbandh n. (South Asia) A general strike, shutdown, or other form of protest used in South Asia in which a substantial…
BANDH n. (Hindi) in India, a general strike, also BUNDH.
DONAHDONAH n. (Spanish) feminine of don, the title, also DONA.
HANDShands n. Plural of hand.
hands v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hand.
Hands prop.n. A surname.
HANDYhandy adj. Easy to use, useful.
handy adj. Nearby, within reach.
handy adj. Of a person: dexterous, skilful.
HONDAhonda n. (Southwestern US) A closed loop or eyelet at one end of a lariat or lasso, through which the other end…
honda n. (Southwestern US) A grommet or other device intended to strengthen or otherwise improve a simple rope honda.
Honda prop.n. A Japanese automotive and motorcycle manufacturer, named after its founder, Soichiro Honda.
HUDNAhudna n. Truce, armistice, cease-fire.
hudna n. A pause to regroup, rearm, and prepare for the next fight.
HUDNA n. (Arabic) in Islam, a truce or ceasefire for an agreed duration.
SHANDshand n. Shame; scandal; disgrace.
shand n. (UK dialectal, Scotland) Base coin; one with mixed metals.
shand adj. (UK dialectal, Scotland) Worthless.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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