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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 8 five-letter words containing A, D, H and I

AHINDahind prep. (Dialect) behind.
AHIND adv. (dialect) behind, also AHINT, AHENT.
APHIDaphid n. Sapsucking pest insect of the superfamily Aphidoidea; an aphidian.
APHID n. a plant-louse, a small homopterous insect that sucks plant juices, also APHIS.
DASHIdashi n. A type of soup or cooking stock, often made from kelp.
DASHI n. (Japanese) a fish broth.
HADJIhadji n. Alternative spelling of hajji.
HADJI n. (Arabic) a person who has made a hadj, also HADJEE, HAJI, HAJJI.
HALIDhalid n. (Zoology) Any spider in the family Halidae, now considered part of the Pisauridae.
halid n. (Chemistry) Archaic form of halide.
HALID n. a compound of a halogen with a metal or radical, also HALIDE, HALOID.
JIHADjihad n. (Islam) A holy war undertaken by Muslims.
jihad n. An aggressive campaign for an idea.
jihad n. (Islam, theology) A personal spiritual struggle for self-improvement and/or against evil.
KHADIkhadi n. Alternative form of khaddar.
KHADI n. (Hindi) a homespun cotton cloth, also KHADDAR.
SIDHAsidha n. Alternative form of siddha.
SIDHA n. (Sanskrit) one who has attained occult powers or siddhi, also SIDDHA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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