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There are 12 five-letter words containing A, C, I and P

ASPICaspic n. A meat or fish jelly.
aspic n. A dish in which ingredients are set into a gelatine, jelly-like substance made from a meat stock or consommé.
aspic n. (Obsolete, poetic) An asp, a small venomous snake of Egypt.
CAMPIcampi n. (Nonstandard) plural of campus.
CAMPO n. (Spanish) an area of open grassland in South America.
CAPIZcapiz n. The windowpane oyster.
capiz n. The shell of this mollusk used in window panes and jewelry.
Capiz prop.n. A province of the Philippines, on northern Panay island. Capital and largest city: Roxas.
CAPRIcapri n. (Colour) A deep shade of sky blue between cyan and azure.
Capri prop.n. An island in the Bay of Naples; part of Campania.
Capri prop.n. Wine produced on the island of Capri, commonly a light dry white wine.
CARPIcarpi n. Plural of carpus.
CARPUS n. (Latin) the part of the human skeleton between the forearm and the metacarpus.
PANICpanic adj. (Greek mythology, archaic) Alternative letter-case form of Panic (“pertaining to the Greek god Pan”).
panic adj. (By extension (see the etymology)).
panic n. (Uncountable) Overwhelming fear or fright, often affecting groups of people or animals; (countable)…
PICALpical n. Alternative form of picul.
PICAL adj. relating to pica, a size of type.
PICASpicas n. Plural of pica.
PICAs n. Plural of PICA.
PICA n. an old type size, approximately, and still used synonymously for, 12-point.
PICRApicra n. (Medicine, dated) The powder of aloes with canella, formerly officinal, employed as a cathartic.
PICRA n. a purgative made from aloes and bark.
PLICAplica n. A fold or crease, especially of skin or other tissue.
plica n. Polish plait, plica polonica, or plica neuropatica: a disease of the hair in which it becomes twisted…
plica n. (Botany) A diseased state in plants in which there is an excessive development of small entangled twigs…
SCAPIscapi n. Plural of scapus.
SCAPUS n. (Latin) the shaft of a column or feather.
SPICAspica n. (Botany) A spike.
spica n. (Ornithology) A spur.
spica n. A kind of bandage passing, by successive turns and crosses, from an extremity to the trunk; a spiral…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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