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There are 18 five-letter words containing A, C, H and N

ANCHOancho n. A broad, flat, dried poblano pepper, often ground into a powder.
ANCHO n. a type of dried chili pepper.
CANEHCANEH n. (Hebrew) a Hebrew measure of length, six cubits.
CHAINchain n. A series of interconnected rings or links usually made of metal.
chain n. A series of interconnected things.
chain n. A series of stores or businesses with the same brand name.
CHANAchana n. (India, cooking) A dish principally made from chickpeas or chickpea paste.
chana n. (India) Chickpeas.
Chana prop.n. Hannah.
CHANGchang n. (Often italicized) A traditional harp of central and southwest Asia.
Chang prop.n. A surname from Chinese.
Chang prop.n. A surname from Chinese.
CHANKchank n. (India) The large spiral shell of several species of sea conch, much used in making bangles, especially…
chank v. (US) To eat noisily; to champ or chomp.
CHANK n. (Hindi) the shell of several species of sea conch, used to make bangles.
CHANTchant v. To sing, especially without instruments, and as applied to monophonic and pre-modern music.
chant v. To sing or intone sacred text.
chant v. To utter or repeat in a strongly rhythmical manner, especially as a group.
CHINAchina n. (Uncountable) Synonym of porcelain, a hard white translucent ceramic made from kaolin, now (chiefly…
china n. (Uncountable) Chinaware: porcelain tableware.
china n. (Uncountable, chiefly US, dated) Cheaper and lower-quality ceramic and ceramic tableware, distinguished…
GANCHganch v. To drop from a high place upon sharp stakes or hooks as a punishment.
GANCH v. to impale, also GAUNCH.
HANCEhance v. (Transitive, obsolete) To raise, to elevate.
hance n. A curve or arc, especially in architecture or in the design of a ship.
hance n. The arc of smaller radius at the springing of an elliptical or many-centred arch.
HANCHhanch n. Alternative form of hance.
hanch n. Alternative form of haunch.
hanch v. (Transitive, intransitive) To snap at something with the jaws.
LANCHlanch n. (UK, dialect) A large bed of flints.
lanch v. (Obsolete) To pierce, as with a lance; to lance.
lanch v. (Obsolete) To throw, as a lance; to let fly; to launch.
NACHENACHE n. (Spanish) the rump of beef; esp. the lower and back part of the rump, also NATCH.
NACHOnacho n. A single tortilla chip from a dish of nachos.
NACHO n. (Spanish) a corn chip, topped with cheese or beans.
NATCHnatch adv. (Colloquial) Naturally; of course.
natch n. The rump of beef, especially the lower and back part of the rump.
natch n. (Dialect) A notch.
NAUCHNAUCH n. (Hindi) an entertainment in India consisting chiefly of dancing by professional dancing girls, also NACH, NAUTCH.
NUCHAnucha n. (Anatomy, obsolete) The spinal cord.
nucha n. (Anatomy, zoology, dated, rare) The back of the neck, the nape; of an animal: the back of the head or…
NUCHA n. (Latin) the nape of the neck, also NUCHAL.
RANCHranch n. A large plot of land used for raising cattle, sheep or other livestock.
ranch n. A small farm that cultivates vegetables and/or livestock, especially one in the Southwestern United States.
ranch n. A house or property on a plot of ranch land.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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