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There are 11 five-letter words containing A, C, H and M

CHAMPchamp n. (Colloquial) Clipping of champion.
champ n. (Colloquial, in the plural) Clipping of championship.
champ n. (Informal) buddy, sport, mate (as a term of address).
CHAMSchams n. Plural of cham.
Chams n. Plural of Cham.
cha'ms n. Plural of cha’m.
CHARMcharm n. An object, act or words believed to have magic power (usually carries a positive connotation).
charm n. (Often in the plural) The ability to persuade, delight or arouse admiration.
charm n. A small trinket on a bracelet or chain, etc., traditionally supposed to confer luck upon the wearer.
CHASMchasm n. (Geology, planetology) A deep, steep-sided rift, gap or fissure; a gorge or abyss.
chasm n. (By extension) A large difference of opinion.
CHASM n. a deep cleft in the earth.
MACHEmache n. Alternative spelling of mâche.
mache n. (Dated) A former unit of volumic radioactivity: the quantity of radon (ignoring its daughters) per litre…
mache n. (Philippines) Glutinous rice balls flavoured with coconut and pandan.
MACHImachi n. A traditional healer and religious leader in the Mapuche culture of Chile and Argentina.
Machi prop.n. A surname.
MACHI adj. (Hinglish) as in machi chips, fish and chips.
MACHOmacho adj. (Informal) Tending to display masculine characteristics, such as domineering, fierceness, bravado, etc…
macho n. A macho person; a person who tends to display masculine characteristics, such as domineering, fierceness, and bravado.
macho n. The striped mullet of California (Mugil cephalus, syn. Mugil mexicanus).
MACHSMACH n. a number relating the speed of a body to the speed of sound.
MARCHmarch n. A formal, rhythmic way of walking, used especially by soldiers, bands and in ceremonies.
march n. A political rally or parade.
march n. Any song in the genre of music written for marching (see Wikipedia’s article on this type of music).
MATCHmatch n. (Sports) A competitive sporting event such as a boxing meet, a baseball game, or a cricket match.
match n. Any contest or trial of strength or skill, or to determine superiority.
match n. Someone with a measure of an attribute equaling or exceeding the object of comparison.
MOCHAmocha n. (Countable) A coffee drink with chocolate syrup added, or a serving thereof.
mocha n. A coffee and chocolate mixed flavour.
mocha n. (Color) A dark brown colour, like that of mocha coffee.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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