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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 10 five-letter words containing A, C, F and R

CRAFTcraft n. (Uncountable, obsolete) Strength; power; might; force.
craft n. (Uncountable) Intellectual power; skill; art.
craft n. (Countable, obsolete in the general sense) A work or product of art.
FACERfacer n. An unexpected and stunning blow or defeat.
facer n. (Obsolete) One who faces; one who puts on a false show; a bold-faced person.
facer n. (Obsolete) A blow in the face, as in boxing; hence, any severe or stunning check or defeat, as in controversy.
FARCEfarce n. (Uncountable) A style of humor marked by broad improbabilities with little regard to regularity or method.
farce n. (Countable) A motion picture or play featuring this style of humor.
farce n. (Uncountable) A situation abounding with ludicrous incidents.
FARCIFARCI adj. (French) stuffed, as with ground meat, also FARCIE.
FARCYfarcy n. The horse disease glanders, especially its cutaneous form.
FARCY n. a chronic horse disease, also FARCIN.
FRACKfrack v. (Oil industry) To employ hydraulic fracturing (fracking).
frack v. (Slang, euphemistic) Fuck.
frack adj. Alternative form of freck.
FRACTfract v. (Obsolete) To break; to violate.
FRACT v. to break; to violate.
FRANCfranc n. A former unit of currency of France, Belgium and Luxembourg, replaced by the euro.
franc n. Any of several units of currency, some of which are multi-national (West African CFA Franc (XOF), Central…
FRANC n. (French) a monetary unit of France.
FURCAFURCA n. any forklike structure esp. in insects.
SCARFscarf n. A long, often knitted, garment worn around the neck.
scarf n. A headscarf.
scarf n. (Dated) A neckcloth or cravat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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