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There are 17 five-letter words containing A, C, D and I

ACIDSacids n. Plural of acid.
ACID n. a type of chemical compound.
ACIDYacidy adj. Like an acid, somewhat acid.
ACIDY adj. resembling acid, sour.
ACRIDacrid adj. Sharp and harsh, or bitter and not to the taste.
acrid adj. Causing heat and irritation.
acrid adj. (Figurative) Caustic; bitter; bitterly irritating.
ALCIDalcid n. (Ornithology) A bird of the family Alcidae, including auks, auklets, razorbills, dovekies, guillemots, and puffins.
ALCID n. a diving sea bird, an auk.
ASDICASDIC n. (Historical) Sonar.
ASDIC n. an apparatus for locating e.g. submarines underwater by the use of ultrasonics.
CADIEcadie n. (Dated) A Scottish errand boy, porter, or messenger.
CADIE n. (Scots) a caddie, also CADEE.
CADIScadis n. Plural of cadi.
cadis n. A kind of coarse serge.
CADI n. (Arabic) a civil judge in a Muslim country, also CAID, KADI, KAID, QADI, QAID.
CAIDScaids n. Plural of caid.
CAID n. (Arabic) a North African chief, also CADI, KADI, KAID, QADI, QAID.
CAIRDcaird n. (UK, dialect) A travelling tinker; a tramp, or sturdy beggar.
CAIRD n. a travelling tinker; also a tramp or sturdy beggar.
CALIDcalid adj. (Obsolete) Hot; burning; ardent.
CALID adj. hot; burning; ardent.
CANIDcanid n. Any member of the family Canidae, including canines (dogs, wolves, coyotes and jackals) and vulpines (foxes).
CANID n. a member of the dog family.
CARDIcardi n. Alternative spelling of cardie.
Cardi n. An individual from Cardiganshire.
Cardi prop.n. A surname from Italian.
CNIDAcnida n. A nematocyst.
CNIDA n. (Greek) a nematocyst, a stinging cell in jellyfish.
DARICdaric n. A gold coin from Persian Empire, introduced by Darius the Great (522-486 BC) and used until Alexander…
DARIC n. a gold coin of ancient Persia.
DIACTDIACT n. a sponge spicule having two rays that develop in different directions from a single point of origin, also DIACTINE.
DICTAdicta n. Plural of dictum.
DICTUM n. (Latin) an authoritative statement.
NICADnicad n. (Electronics) rechargeable nickel-cadmium battery.
NiCad n. Alternative letter-case form of nicad.
NICAD n. (short for) nickel-cadmium, as applied to batteries.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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