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There are 19 five-letter words containing A, B, R and Y

ABRAYabray v. Obsolete form of abraid.
ABRAY v. (Spenser) to awake, arouse, also ABRAID.
AMBRYambry n. (Now historical, rare) A bookcase; a library or archive.
ambry n. (Obsolete) A storehouse, especially a niche or recess in a wall used for storage.
ambry n. (Now rare) A pantry, or place to store food.
BARBYBARBY n. (Australian slang) a barbecue, also BARBIE.
BARDYbardy n. Alternative form of bardie.
BARDY adj. (Scots) scolding, impudent.
BARKYbarky adj. (Of a tree) Having bark.
barky adj. Prone to bark, to make the sound of a dog.
barky adj. Sounding like the bark of a dog.
BARMYbarmy adj. (Britain, Ireland) Odd, strange, or crazy.
barmy adj. (Rare) Containing barm, i.e. froth from fermented yeast.
barmy n. Plural of barma.
BARNYbarny n. (UK, Australia, slang) Alternative form of barney (“argument or fight”).
barny adj. Barn-like.
BARNY adj. like a barn.
BARRYbarry n. (Heraldry) A field divided transversely into several equal parts, and consisting of two different tinctures…
barry adj. (Heraldry) Traversed (transversely) by bars.
barry adj. (Slang, Scotland) Excellent.
BARYEbarye n. (Physics) A unit of pressure under the CGS system; symbol Ba; equal to 1 dyne per square centimeter…
BARYE n. a unit of pressure.
BAYERbayer adj. Comparative form of bay: more bay.
Bayer prop.n. A surname.
Bayer prop.n. A German multinational life science, chemical, and pharmaceutical company.
BERAYberay v. To make foul; befoul; soil.
BERAY v. (obsolete) to befoul.
BOYARboyar n. (Historical) A member of a rank of aristocracy (second only to princes) in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus…
BOYAR n. (Russian) a member of the old Russian aristocracy, abolished by Peter the Great, also BOYARD.
BRAKYbraky adj. Overgrown with bracken or brushwood.
BRAKY adj. abounding in shrubs or ferns.
BRAXYbraxy n. An inflammatory disease of sheep.
braxy n. (Now historical) Meat from sheep that have died from this disease, or that have died from accident or…
braxy adj. Diseased with braxy.
BRAYSbrays n. Plural of bray.
BRAY v. to cry like an ass.
CARBYcarby n. (Informal) carburetor/carburettor.
carby adj. (Informal) Rich in carbohydrates.
CARBY n. (Australian) short for carburettor.
RYBATrybat n. (Architecture) A vertical dressed stone beside a door or window.
RYBAT n. (Scots) a dressed stone at the side of a door, window etc.
WARBYwarby adj. (Australia) unkempt; disreputable.
Warby prop.n. A surname from Old Norse.
WARBY adj. (Australian slang) worn out, decrepit.
YERBAyerba n. Ilex paraguariensis, a species of holly native to southern South America; or the dried leaves and twigs…
YERBA n. (Spanish) an infusion of the leaves of a South American shrub.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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