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There are 20 five-letter words containing A, B, O and S

AMBOSambos n. Plural of ambo.
AMBO n. a pulpit in an early Christian church.
BASHObasho n. (Sumo) a sumo tournament of any kind.
BASHO n. (Japanese) a sumo wrestling tournament.
BASONbason n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of basin.
Bason prop.n. A surname.
BASON n. (archaic) a basin, also BASEN, BASIN.
BASSObasso n. (Music) A bass singer, especially in opera.
basso n. (Music) An instrumental part written for a bass instrument.
basso n. (Music) The double bass, or contrabasso.
BASTObasto n. The ace of clubs in quadrille and omber.
Basto prop.n. A surname.
BASTO n. (Spanish) the ace of clubs in the game of quadrille.
BOABSBOAB n. a tropical tree with a swollen trunk, also BAOBAB.
BOAKSboaks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of boak.
Boaks prop.n. Plural of Boak.
BOAK v. (dialect) to belch, vomit, also BOKE, BOCK.
BOARSboars n. Plural of boar.
BOAR n. a male pig.
BOASTboast n. A brag; ostentatious positive appraisal of oneself.
boast n. Something that one brags about.
boast n. (Squash) A shot where the ball is driven off a side wall and then strikes the front wall.
BOATSboats n. Plural of boat.
boats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of boat.
BOAT v. to travel on a watercraft.
BOBASbobas n. Plural of boba.
BOBA n. a contagious skin disease resembling syphilis, aka yaws, also BUBA.
BOLASbolas n. A throwing weapon made of weights on the ends of interconnected cords, designed to capture animals by…
bolas n. A sticky thread whirled around by certain spiders to catch prey.
BOLAS n. (Spanish) a South American missile, consisting of two or more balls tied together, also BOLA.
BOMASbomas n. Plural of boma.
BOMA n. (Swahili) in Africa, a thorn enclosure.
BORASboras n. Plural of bora.
Boras prop.n. Plural of Bora.
Borås prop.n. A city in Västergötland, western Sweden.
BOTASBOTA n. (Spanish) a leather bottle for wine.
DOABSdoabs n. Plural of doab.
DOAB n. (Urdu) a tongue or tract of land included between two rivers; as, the doab between the Ganges and the Jumna.
OBIASOBIA n. a form of West Indian witchcraft, also OBE, OBEAH, OBI.
SABOTsabot n. A wooden shoe.
sabot n. A carrier around a projectile in a firearm, cannon or other type of artillery piece that precisely holds…
sabot v. (Transitive) To enclose (a projectile) in a sabot.
SAMBOsambo n. (Ireland, Australia, slang) A sandwich.
Sambo n. (Derogatory) A negro, especially one who is accommodating or servile towards whites; an Uncle Tom.
Sambo n. (Offensive, obsolete) A person of three quarters African descent and one quarter Caucasian descent.
SOBASsobas n. Plural of soba.
SOBA n. (Japanese) noodles made from buckwheat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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