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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 11 five-letter words containing A, B, I and M

ABRIMabrim adj. Brimming, full to the brim.
abrim adv. Brimming, full to the brim.
ABRIM adv. in a brimming state.
AMBITambit n. (By extension).
ambit n. (Archaic) The boundary around a building, town, region, etc.
ambit n. (Archaic, rare) The circumference of something circular; also, an arc; a circuit, an orbit.
BAMBIBambi prop.n. A female given name.
Bambi prop.n. A surname from Italian.
Bambi prop.n. A village in Huíla Province, Angola.
BIMAHbimah n. Alternative spelling of bima.
BIMAH n. (Hebrew) a raised platform in a synagogue, also BEMA, BIMA.
BIMASbimas n. Plural of bima.
BIMA n. (Hebrew) a raised platform in a synagogue, also BEMA, BIMAH.
IAMBIiambi n. Plural of iambus.
IAMBUS n. (Latin) a type of metrical foot, also IAMB, IAMBIC.
IAMBSiambs n. Plural of iamb.
IAMB n. a poetic foot consisting of a short then a long syllable, also IAMBIC, IAMBUS.
IMBARimbar v. (Obsolete) To bar in; to secure.
IMBAR v. (obsolete) to bar in; to secure, also EMBAR.
LIMBAlimba n. A large African tree, Terminalia superba, whose hard wood is used for furniture, table tennis paddles…
LIMBA n. a West African hardwood tree or its timber.
MBIRAmbira n. (Music) A thumb piano, a musical instrument having a small sound box fitted with a row of tuned tabs…
MBIRA n. (Bantu) an African musical instrument played with the thumbs, aka kalimba.
SIMBASimba prop.n. The Western Bolivian Guaraní language, ISO language code GNW.
Simba prop.n. A male given name from Swahili.
SIMBA n. (Swahili) a lion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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