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There are 9 five-letter words containing A, B, H and T

BAHTSbahts n. Plural of baht.
BAHT n. (Thai) the monetary unit of Thailand, also BHAT.
BAHUTbahut n. (Obsolete) A portable coffer or chest with a rounded lid covered in leather, garnished with nails, once…
bahut n. (Obsolete, architecture) A dwarf-wall of plain masonry, carrying the roof of a cathedral or church and…
BAHUT n. (French) an ornamental, usually round-topped chest or cabinet.
BAITHBAITH adj. (Scots) both.
BATCHbatch n. The quantity of bread or other baked goods baked at one time.
batch n. (By extension) A quantity of anything produced at one operation.
batch n. A group or collection of things of the same kind, such as a batch of letters or the next batch of business.
BATHEbathe v. (Intransitive) To clean oneself by immersion in water or using water; to take a bath, have a bath.
bathe v. (Intransitive) To immerse oneself, or part of the body, in water for pleasure or refreshment; to swim.
bathe v. (Transitive) To clean a person by immersion in water or using water; to give someone a bath.
BATHSbaths n. Plural of bath.
baths n. (UK) A building containing a public swimming pool or shower facilities; originally a place having individual…
baths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bath.
BEATHbeath v. (Transitive, dialectal) To bathe (with warm liquid); foment.
beath v. (Transitive) To dry or heat (unseasoned) wood for the purpose of straightening it.
BEATH v. (Spenser) to bathe, heat, also BATHE.
BHATSBhats n. Plural of Bhat.
BHAT n. a dancer in a Thai troupe.
HABIThabit n. An action performed on a regular basis.
habit n. An action performed repeatedly and automatically, usually without awareness.
habit n. A long piece of clothing worn by monks and nuns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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