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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 10 five-letter words containing 2A, R and Y

ABRAYabray v. Obsolete form of abraid.
ABRAY v. (Spenser) to awake, arouse, also ABRAID.
ALARYalary adj. Pertaining to wings.
ALARY adj. of or pertaining to the wing or shoulder, also ALAR.
ARRAYarray n. Clothing and ornamentation.
array n. A collection laid out to be viewed in full.
array n. An orderly series, arrangement or sequence.
RAYAHrayah n. (Derogatory) A member of the tax-paying lower class of Ottoman society.
RAYAH n. (Arabic) a non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey, also RAIA, RAYA.
RAYASrayas n. Plural of raya.
Rayas prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
Rayas prop.n. Plural of Raya.
TAYRAtayra n. A South American omnivore, Eira barbara, allied to the grison, with a long thick tail.
TAYRA n. (Tupi) a large South American member of the weasel family, also TAIRA.
YAARSyaars n. Plural of yaar.
YAAR n. (Hinglish) friend, man (as a form of address).
YARAKyarak n. (Falconry) A super-alert state where the bird is hungry, but not weak, with a trance like state of alertness…
YARAK n. (Persian) of a hawk, a fit condition for hunting.
YARFAyarfa n. Alternative form of yarpha.
YARFA n. (Old Norse) in Shetland, peaty soil; clayey, sandy or fibrous peat, also YARPHA.
YARTAyarta n. Archaic form of yurt.
YARTA n. (Old Norse) heart, used as term of endearment in the Shetlands, also JARTA, YARTO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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