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There are 14 five-letter words containing 2A and 2N

ANANAanana n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of ananas.
ANANA n. (French) a pineapple, also ANANAS.
ANNALannal n. The record of a single event or item.
ANNAL n. a record of a single year.
ANNASannas n. Plural of anna.
Annas prop.n. Plural of Anna.
Annas prop.n. (Biblical) A Jewish high priest known for having four sons and a son-in-law (Caiaphas) succeed him in…
ANNATannat n. Alternative form of annate.
ANNAT n. (Scots) the half-year's stipend payable to a minister's wife on his death, also ANN.
CANNAcanna n. Any member of the genus Canna of tropical plants with large leaves and often showy flowers.
canna cont. (Scotland, Cumbria, Jamaica) Contraction of can not; cannot.
canna n. (Historical) A measure of length in Italy, varying from six to seven feet.
JNANAjnana n. (Hinduism) Knowledge, as acquired through meditation, that one’s self (atman) is identical with Ultimate…
jnana n. (Buddhism) Pure awareness that is free of conceptual encumbrances.
JNANA n. (Sanskrit) knowledge acquired through meditation.
MANNAmanna n. (Biblical) Food miraculously produced for the Israelites in the desert in the book of Exodus.
manna n. (By extension) Any boon which comes into one’s hands by good luck.
manna n. The sugary sap of the manna gum tree which oozes out from holes drilled by insects and falls to the…
NAANSnaans n. Plural of naan.
NAAN n. (Hindi) a kind of slightly leavened Indian bread, also NAN.
NANASnanas n. Plural of nana.
na-nas n. Plural of na-na.
NANA n. (Australian slang) an idiot, a fool.
NANNAnanna n. Grandmother.
Nanna prop.n. (Norse mythology) A goddess, the wife of Balder.
Nanna prop.n. The god of the moon in Sumerian mythology.
NANUANANUA n. (Maori) a New Zealand sea fish, aka moki.
NGANAngana n. Obsolete spelling of nagana.
NGANA n. (Zulu) a tropical disease of cattle transmitted by tsetse fly, also NAGANA.
TANNAtanna n. Alternative form of thana.
Tanna prop.n. An island in Tafea, Vanuatu.
Tanna n. Any of the rabbinic sages whose views are recorded in the Mishna, from approximately 10–220 CE.
WANNAwanna cont. (Informal) Represents a contracted pronunciation of want to.
wanna cont. (Informal) Represents a contracted pronunciation of want a.
WANNA v. (colloquial) want to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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