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There are 12 five-letter words containing 2A, K and L

AKELAakela n. Alternative letter-case form of Akela.
Akela prop.n. A fictional wolf character in Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book.
Akela n. The leader of a pack of Cub Scouts.
ALACKalack interj. An expression of sorrow or mourning.
ALACK interj. (archaic) an interjection expressing grief.
KAHALkahal n. The local governing body of a former European Jewish community, administering religious, legal and communal affairs.
KAHAL n. (Hebrew) the governing body of a Jewish community.
KALAMkalam n. (Islam) speculative theology.
KALAM n. (Persian) a type of Muslim theology.
KALPAkalpa n. (Hinduism, Buddhism) A period of 4.32 billion years (1000 chatur-yugas or cycles of the four yugas).
KALPA n. (Sanskrit) one of the Brahmanic eons, a period of 4,320,000,000 years, also CALPA.
KATALkatal n. In the International System of Units, the derived unit of catalytic activity; one mole per second. Symbol: kat.
KATAL n. a derived SI unit, the unit of catalytic activity, equal to one mole per second.
KAVALkaval n. (Music) A chromatic end-blown flute of Asia and eastern Europe.
KAVAL n. a kind of flute, played esp. in the Balkans.
KOALAkoala n. A tree-dwelling marsupial, Phascolarctos cinereus, that resembles a small bear with a broad head, large…
Koala prop.n. (Countable) A surname.
Koala prop.n. A West African placename.
KRAALkraal n. In Central and Southern Africa, a small rural community.
kraal n. In Central and Southern Africa, a rural village of huts surrounded by a stockade.
kraal n. An enclosure for livestock.
LAIKAlaika n. A type of hunting dog from Russia.
Laika n. Alternative letter-case form of laika.
LAIKA n. (Russian) a breed of small reddish-brown working dog.
LAKSAlaksa n. A spicy noodle stew from Indonesia or Malaysia.
LAKSA n. (Malay) rice noodles served in curry or hot soup.
TALAKtalak n. Alternative spelling of talaq.
TALAK n. (Arabic) in Islamic law, divorce, esp. by the husband's verbal repudiation of his wife in the presence of witnesses, also TALAQ.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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