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There are 16 five-letter words containing 2A, I and R

AARTIaarti n. (Hinduism) A particular Hindu prayer ritual, involving candles made from clarified butter.
AARTI n. (Hindi) an Indian ceremony in which candles dipped in ghee are lighted and offered to various deities, also ARTI.
ACARIacari n. Plural of acarus.
Acari prop.n. A taxonomic subclass within the class Arachnida – the ticks and mites.
ACARUS n. (Latin) a mite, a kind of small arachnid.
AGRIAAgria prop.n. A surname.
AGRIA n. a skin condition with extensive pus blisters.
ARIASarias n. Plural of aria.
Arias prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
ARIAs n. Plural of ARIA.
ATRIAatria n. Plural of atrium.
ATRIUM n. (Latin) a square hall lighted from above, into which rooms open at one or more levels.
BRAAIbraai n. (South Africa) A barbecue (grill), especially an open outdoor grill built specifically for the purpose of braaing.
braai n. (Chiefly South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe) A social meeting, including the braaing of meat; a cookout.
braai v. (Chiefly South Africa) To grill meat over an open flame (not on a gass grill).
LAARIlaari n. A subdenomination of the rufiyaa, 1/100 of its value.
laari n. A former currency of Maldives until 1913.
LAARI n. a monetary unit of the Maldives, 1/100th of a rufiyaa, also LAREE, LARI.
MARIAmaria n. Plural of mare (lunar plain).
Maria prop.n. A female given name from Hebrew.
Maria prop.n. A Dravidian language spoken in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh provinces in India.
NAIRAnaira n. The official currency of Nigeria, which replaced the pound in 1973; the principal denomination of the…
NAIRA n. a Nigerian currency unit.
RAIASRaias prop.n. Plural of Raia.
RAIA n. (Arabic) a non-Muslim subject of Turkey, also RAYA, RAYAH.
RAITAraita n. A condiment used as a dip or sauce in the cuisine of southern Asia, made from seasoned yogurt.
raita n. (India, derogatory, politics, online slang) A Hindu who does not support Hindutva, a liberal Hindu…
RAITA n. (Hindi) an Indian dish of chopped vegetables in yogurt.
RAKIArakia n. Alternative spelling of rakija.
RAKIA n. a kind of fruit brandy produced by distillation of fermented fruit, popular throughout the Balkans, also RAKIJA.
RIATAriata n. (US, regional) A lariat or lasso.
RIATA n. (Spanish) a lariat, also REATA.
TAIRAtaira n. Alternative form of tayra.
Taira prop.n. A Japanese male given name from Japanese.
Taira prop.n. A surname from Japanese.
TIARAtiara n. The papal crown.
tiara n. An ornamental coronet.
Tiara prop.n. A female given name from English from the noun tiara.
VARIAVARIA n. (Latin) a literary miscellany.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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