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There are 13 five-letter words containing 2A, I and N

AGAINagain adv. Another time; once more.
again adv. Over and above a factor of one.
again adv. Used metalinguistically, with the repetition being in the discussion, or in the linguistic or pragmatic…
AINGAAINGA n. (Samoan) a large family, often spanning several generations, also AIGA.
AMAINamain adv. (Archaic, literary) With all of one’s might; mightily; forcefully, violently.
amain adv. (Archaic) At full speed; also, in great haste.
amain adv. (Britain, dialectal) Out of control.
AMNIAamnia n. Plural of amnion.
AMNION n. (Greek) the innermost membrane enveloping the embryo of reptiles, birds and mammals.
ANIMAanima n. (Chiefly philosophy) The soul or animating principle of a living thing, especially as contrasted with the animus.
anima n. (Jungian psychology) The inner self (not the external persona) of a person that is in touch with the…
anima n. (Jungian psychology) The unconscious feminine aspect of a person.
APIANapian adj. Relating to bees.
apian n. (Very rare) A bee.
APIAN adj. relating to bees.
AVIANavian adj. Characteristic of or pertaining to birds, or to bird-like or flying creatures.
avian n. A bird.
avian n. A bird-like or flying creature.
BANIAbania n. Alternative form of bunnia.
BANIA n. (Hindi) an Indian fig tree.
LANAIlanai n. (Chiefly Hawaii, Florida) A Hawaiian-style roofed patio.
Lanai prop.n. The sixth largest island of Hawaii, mostly privately owned.
LANAI n. (Hawaiian) a verandah or roofed patio.
LIANAliana n. (Botany) A climbing woody vine, usually tropical.
Liana prop.n. A female given name from Latin, derived from Juliana or Eliana.
LIANA n. any climbing plant, esp. a twisted woody kind festooning tropical forests, also LIANE.
MANIAmania n. Violent derangement of mind; madness; insanity.
mania n. Excessive or unreasonable desire; insane passion affecting one or many people; fanaticism.
mania n. (Psychiatry) The state of abnormally elevated or irritable mood, arousal, and/or energy levels.
NAIADnaiad n. (Greek mythology) A female deity (nymph) associated with water, especially a spring, stream, or other fresh water.
naiad n. (Entomology) The aquatic larva (nymph) of a dragonfly or damselfly.
naiad n. Any of various aquatic plants of the genus Najas.
NAIRAnaira n. The official currency of Nigeria, which replaced the pound in 1973; the principal denomination of the…
NAIRA n. a Nigerian currency unit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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