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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 12 five-letter words containing 2A, I and L

AALIIaalii n. A bushy small tree, Dodonaea viscosa, native to Hawaii, Australia, Africa, and tropical America, having…
AALII n. (Hawaiian) a tropical tree.
AGILAAGILA n. (Tamil) the wood of the aloe, aka agalwood.
ALIASalias adv. Otherwise; at another time; in other circumstances; otherwise called.
alias adv. (Law) Used to connect the different names of a person who has gone by two or more, and whose true name…
alias n. Another name; an assumed name.
ALIYAaliya n. Alternative spelling of aliyah.
ALIYA n. (Hebrew) the immigration of Jews to Israel, also ALIYAH.
AVAILavail v. (Transitive, often reflexive) To turn to the advantage of.
avail v. (Transitive) To be of service to.
avail v. (Transitive) To promote; to assist.
AXIALaxial adj. Relating to, resembling, or situated on an axis.
axial adj. (Anatomy) Belonging to the axis of the body, or to the axis of any appendage or organ.
axial adj. (Botany) In the same direction as the axis, parallel to the axis.
LAARIlaari n. A subdenomination of the rufiyaa, 1/100 of its value.
laari n. A former currency of Maldives until 1913.
LAARI n. a monetary unit of the Maldives, 1/100th of a rufiyaa, also LAREE, LARI.
LABIAlabia n. (Anatomy) The folds of tissue at the opening of the vulva, at either side of the vagina.
labia n. Plural of labium.
LABIUM n. (Latin) a fold of the vulva.
LAIKAlaika n. A type of hunting dog from Russia.
Laika n. Alternative letter-case form of laika.
LAIKA n. (Russian) a breed of small reddish-brown working dog.
LAMIAlamia n. (Greek mythology) A monster preying upon human beings, who sucked the blood of children, often described…
Lamia prop.n. A city in Greece.
LAMIA n. (Greek) a mythical monster with snake's body and woman's head and breasts.
LANAIlanai n. (Chiefly Hawaii, Florida) A Hawaiian-style roofed patio.
Lanai prop.n. The sixth largest island of Hawaii, mostly privately owned.
LANAI n. (Hawaiian) a verandah or roofed patio.
LIANAliana n. (Botany) A climbing woody vine, usually tropical.
Liana prop.n. A female given name from Latin, derived from Juliana or Eliana.
LIANA n. any climbing plant, esp. a twisted woody kind festooning tropical forests, also LIANE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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