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There are 9 five-letter words containing 2A, H and T

ARHATarhat n. (Buddhism) One who has attained enlightenment; a Buddhist saint.
arhat n. (Jainism) One of the stages of the ascetic’s spiritual evolution, when all passions (anger, ego, deception…
ARHAT n. (Sanskrit) a Buddhist who has attained nirvana.
HASTAhasta v. (Colloquial) third-person singular simple present indicative form of hafta: Contraction of has to; is required to.
hasta interj. (Colloquial) goodbye.
hasta n. (Indian classical dance) A hand gesture used to depict the meaning of a song.
HATHAhatha n. (Yoga) The fundamental form of yoga that focuses on asanas.
HATHA adj. (Sanskrit) as in hatha yoga, a form of yoga.
LATAHlatah n. (Pathology) A condition found in Malaysia and nearby areas characterised by extreme suggestibility;…
LATAH n. a psychological condition, observed esp. in Malaysian cultures, in which an individual, after experiencing a shock, becomes anxious and suggestible, often imitating the actions of another person.
RATHARATHA n. (Hindi) a four-wheeled carriage drawn by horses or bullocks.
TAHAStahas n. Plural of taha.
Tahas prop.n. Plural of Taha.
TAHA n. (Zulu) the South African weaverbird.
TAVAHTAVAH n. (Hindi) a griddle in Indian cookery, also TAVA, TAWA.
THANAthana n. An Indian military outpost.
thana n. (India) A police station, or a police jurisdiction.
THANA n. (Hindi) an Indian police station, also TANA, TANNA, TANNAH, THANAH, THANNA, THANNAH.
WHATAWHATA n. (Maori) a building on stilts or a raised platform for storing provisions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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