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There are 18 five-letter words containing 2A, H and S

ABASHabash v. (Transitive) To make ashamed; to embarrass; to destroy the self-possession of, as by exciting suddenly…
abash v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To lose self-possession; to become ashamed.
ABASH v. to strike with shame.
AGHASaghas n. Plural of agha.
Aghas prop.n. Plural of Agha.
AGHA n. (Turkish) a Turkish military officer, also AGA.
AMAHSamahs n. Plural of amah.
AMAH n. (Portuguese) a native maidservant or child's nurse, esp. a wet nurse, also AMA.
AWASHawash adj. Washed by the waves or tide (of a rock or strip of shore, or of an anchor, etc., when flush with the…
awash adj. (By extension) Covered, overspread (with or in something).
Awash prop.n. A market town in central Ethiopia.
AYAHSayahs n. Plural of ayah.
AYAH n. (Hindi) in India, a maid or nurse, also AIA.
HAAFSHAAF n. (Old Norse) a deep sea fishing region.
HAARShaars n. Plural of haar.
HAAR n. (Old Norse) a cold sea-mist.
HAHAShahas n. Plural of haha.
ha-has n. Plural of ha-ha.
HAHA n. a fence set in a ditch.
HAKAShakas n. Plural of haka.
hakas v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of haka.
HAKA n. (Maori) a ceremonial war-dance.
HANSAHANSA n. a guild of merchants, also HANSE.
HASTAhasta v. (Colloquial) third-person singular simple present indicative form of hafta: Contraction of has to; is required to.
hasta interj. (Colloquial) goodbye.
hasta n. (Indian classical dance) A hand gesture used to depict the meaning of a song.
KASHAkasha n. A porridge made from boiled buckwheat groats, or sometimes from other cereal groats.
kasha n. A kind of dry curry from Bengal.
KASHA n. (Russian) a porridge or gruel-like dish made from crushed buckwheat.
PASHApasha n. (Historical) A high-ranking Turkish military officer, especially as a commander or regional governor;…
pasha n. The Indian butterfly Herona marathus, family Nymphalidae.
Pasha prop.n. A surname.
SABHAsabha n. (India) a public meeting, assembly, or organized group.
SABHA n. (Arabic) a set of beads used by Muslims during prayer, also SUBHA.
SAWAHsawah n. A rice paddy.
SAWAH n. (Malay) an irrigated paddy-field.
SHAMAshama n. Copsychus malabaricus (white-rumped shama), a saxicoline songbird of India, glossy black with a white…
SHAMA n. (Hindi) an Indian millet-like cereal; an Indian songbird.
SHAYAshaya n. Alternative form of chaya (“leafy vegetable”).
SHAYA n. (Tamil) an Indian plant of the madder family whose root chayroot yields a red dye, also CHAY, CHAYA.
TAHAStahas n. Plural of taha.
Tahas prop.n. Plural of Taha.
TAHA n. (Zulu) the South African weaverbird.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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