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List of 4-letter words containing

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There are 5 four-letter words containing A, E, P and R

APERaper n. Someone who apes something.
APER n. one who mimics.
PAREpare v. (Transitive) To remove the outer covering or skin of something with a cutting device, typically a knife.
pare v. (Transitive, often with down or back) To reduce, diminish or trim gradually something as if by cutting off.
pare v. To trim the hoof of a horse.
PEARpear n. An edible fruit produced by the pear tree, similar to an apple but typically elongated towards the stem.
pear n. A type of fruit tree (Pyrus communis).
pear n. The wood of the pear tree (pearwood, pear wood).
RAPErape n. (Now rare) The taking of something by force; seizure, plunder.
rape n. (Now archaic) The abduction of a woman, especially for sexual purposes.
rape n. The act of forcing sex upon another person without their consent or against their will; originally coitus…
REAPreap v. (Transitive) To cut (for example a grain) with a sickle, scythe, or reaping machine.
reap v. (Transitive) To gather (e.g. a harvest) by cutting.
reap v. (Transitive) To obtain or receive as a reward, in a good or a bad sense.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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