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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, J, L and S

ADJUSTABILITYadjustability n. The state or condition of being adjustable.
ADJUSTABILITY n. the quality of being adjustable.
CLAMJAMPHRIESclamjamphries n. Plural of clamjamphrie.
CLAMJAMPHRIE n. (Scots) rubbish, nonsense, also CLAMJAMFRY, CLANJAMFRAY.
CLICKJACKINGSCLICKJACKING n. the practice of using a disguised hyperlink to direct an internet user to a website he or she does not wish to visit.
CONJUGALITIESconjugalities n. Plural of conjugality.
CONJUGALITY n. the state of being conjugal.
ENJOYABLENESSenjoyableness n. The quality or state of being enjoyable.
ENJOYABLE n. that can be enjoyed.
HOJATOLESLAMShojatoleslams n. Plural of hojatoleslam.
HOJATOLESLAM n. an Iranian cleric below the rank of ayatollah, also HOJATOLISLAM.
HOJATOLISLAMShojatolislams n. Plural of hojatolislam.
HOJATOLISLAM n. an Iranian cleric below the rank of ayatollah, also HOJATOLESLAM.
JALOALLOFANESJALOALLOFANE n. a crystalline mineral which contains potassium and belongs to the feldspar group, aka hyalophane.
JEALOUSNESSESJEALOUSNESS n. the state of being jealous.
JUGLANDACEOUSjuglandaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to Juglandaceae.
juglandaceous adj. Of or relating to walnuts.
JUGLANDACEOUS adj. belonging to the walnut family.
JUSTICIALISMSJUSTICIALISM n. the political ideology of Juan Domingo Peron, President of Argentina, which combined Fascism and Socialism.
LUMBERJACKETSlumberjackets n. Plural of lumberjacket.
lumber␣jackets n. Plural of lumber jacket.
LUMBERJACKET n. a man's jacket, usually in bold-patterned heavy material.
MAJOLICAWARESMAJOLICAWARE n. goods made from majolica.
MALADJUSTMENTmaladjustment n. A poor or faulty adjustment, especially of a mechanism.
maladjustment n. (Psychology) The inability to adapt oneself to the needs of others, or to the stresses of normal life.
MALADJUSTMENT n. poor, faulty, or inadequate adjustment.
UNJUSTIFIABLEunjustifiable adj. That cannot be justified, excused or pardoned.
UNJUSTIFIABLE adj. not justifiable.
UNJUSTIFIABLYunjustifiably adv. In an unjustifiable manner.
UNJUSTIFIABLE adv. not justifiable.
YELLOWJACKETSyellowjackets n. Plural of yellowjacket.
yellow-jackets n. Plural of yellow-jacket.
yellow␣jackets n. Plural of yellow jacket.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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