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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, D, G and X

DEOXYGENATEDdeoxygenated v. Simple past tense and past participle of deoxygenate.
DEOXYGENATE v. to remove esp. molecular oxygen from.
DEOXYGENATESdeoxygenates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deoxygenate.
DEOXYGENATE v. to remove esp. molecular oxygen from.
DETOXICATINGdetoxicating v. Present participle of detoxicate.
DETOXICATE v. to rid of a poison or the effects of it.
DEXTROGYRATEdextrogyrate adj. Dextrorotatory.
DEXTROGYRATE adj. causing to turn to the right hand, also DEXTROGYRE.
DOXOGRAPHERSdoxographers n. Plural of doxographer.
DOXOGRAPHER n. a compiler of the opinions of philosophers.
DOXOGRAPHIESdoxographies n. Plural of doxography.
DOXOGRAPHY n. the compilation of opinions on philosophers.
EXHEREDATINGexheredating v. Present participle of exheredate.
EXHEREDATE v. to disinherit.
EXPEDITATINGexpeditating v. Present participle of expeditate.
EXPEDITATE v. to deprive of the ball of the foot or the claws.
EXTRAVAGATEDextravagated v. Simple past tense and past participle of extravagate.
EXTRAVAGATE v. (archaic) to wander; to exceed reasonable limits.
PARADOXOLOGYparadoxology n. (Obsolete) The use of paradoxes.
PARADOXOLOGY n. the holding or maintaining of paradoxes.
REOXYGENATEDreoxygenated v. Simple past tense and past participle of reoxygenate.
REOXYGENATE v. to oxygenate again.
SHADOWBOXINGshadowboxing n. A form of solo exercise, involving throwing punches at the air, and not at an opponent.
shadowboxing v. Present participle of shadowbox.
shadow-boxing v. Present participle of shadow-box.
UNEXPURGATEDunexpurgated adj. Not expurgated, not having had anything objectionable removed.
UNEXPURGATED adj. not expurgated.
UNOXYGENATEDunoxygenated adj. Not oxygenated.
UNOXYGENATED adj. not oxygenated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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