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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, S and 2Z

AZOBENZENESazobenzenes n. Plural of azobenzene.
AZOBENZENE n. a dye containing an azo compound.
BELSHAZZARSBelshazzars n. Plural of Belshazzar.
BELSHAZZAR n. a large wine bottle containing 2.80 gallons, also BALTHASAR, BALTHAZAR.
DAZZLEMENTSdazzlements n. Plural of dazzlement.
DAZZLEMENT n. dazzling flash, glare, or burst of light.
HACKERAZZISHACKERAZZI n. a person who hacks into the personal computer of a celebrity in order to gain information about them.
JAZZINESSESJAZZINESS n. the state of being jazzy.
MIZZENMASTSmizzenmasts n. Plural of mizzenmast.
mizzen-masts n. Plural of mizzen-mast (alternative form of mizzenmasts).
MIZZENMAST n. the mast aft or next aft of the mainmast in a ship, also MIZENMAST.
MORBIDEZZASMORBIDEZZA n. (Italian) an extreme delicacy and softness e.g. in painting or music.
MOZZARELLASmozzarellas n. Plural of mozzarella.
MOZZARELLA n. (Italian) a mild white Italian cheese.
PASSAMEZZOSpassamezzos n. Plural of passamezzo.
PASSAMEZZO n. an old dance, a pavan in quick time, also PASSEMEASURE.
PIZZAZZIESTPIZZAZZY adj. full of pizzazz, panache, flamboyance, also PIZAZZY.
POZZUOLANASpozzuolanas n. Plural of pozzuolana.
POZZUOLANA n. (Italian) volcanic ashes from Pozzuoli, in Italy, used in the manufacture of a kind of mortar which hardens under water, also POZZOLAN, POZZOLANA, PUZZOLANA.
RAZZBERRIESrazzberries n. Plural of razzberry.
RAZZBERRY n. (US) a raspberry.
SCHNOZZOLASschnozzolas n. Plural of schnozzola.
STALKERAZZIstalkerazzi n. (Derogatory) Paparazzi who violate their targets’ privacy in the manner of stalkers.
STALKERAZZOSorry, definition not available.
VAJAZZLINGSVAJAZZLING n. the practice of adorning the female pubis with glittery spangles.
ZIGZAGGIESTZIGZAGGY adj. having sharp turns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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