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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, H, U and V

AVOUCHMENTSavouchments n. Plural of avouchment.
AVOUCHMENT n. (archaic) the act of avouching; positive declaration.
BEHAVIOURALbehavioural adj. (British spelling) Of or pertaining to behaviour.
BEHAVIOURAL adj. relating to behaviour, also BEHAVIORAL.
CHAUVINISMSchauvinisms n. Plural of chauvinism.
CHAUVINISM n. excessive or blind patriotism.
CHAUVINISTSchauvinists n. Plural of chauvinist.
CHAUVINIST n. one who is blindly patriotic.
DISAVOUCHEDdisavouched v. Simple past tense and past participle of disavouch.
DISAVOUCH v. (obsolete) to disavow, also DISAVOW.
DISAVOUCHESdisavouches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disavouch.
DISAVOUCH v. (obsolete) to disavow, also DISAVOW.
EAVESTROUGHeavestrough n. (Canada and Northern US) A trough under the eaves of a building for draining water from the roof; gutter.
eaves␣trough n. (Chiefly US) Alternative form of eavestrough.
EAVESTROUGH n. (Canadian) a gutter at the eaves of a building.
HUMILIATIVEhumiliative adj. (Grammar) Serving to lower one’s own or another’s status.
humiliative n. (Grammar) A construct that serves to lower one’s own or another’s status.
HUMILIATIVE adj. serving to humiliate, also HUMILIATORY.
OUTACHIEVEDoutachieved v. Simple past tense and past participle of outachieve.
OUTACHIEVE v. to surpass in achievement.
OUTACHIEVESoutachieves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outachieve.
OUTACHIEVE v. to surpass in achievement.
OVERDRAUGHToverdraught n. (Chiefly Britain) An overdraft.
OVERDRAUGHT n. a current of air passing over, or coming from above, a fire in a furnace, kiln, etc.
OVERFRAUGHToverfraught v. Past participle of overfreight.
overfraught adj. Full of distress; overloaded with cares or worries.
OVERFREIGHT v. to overload.
OVERHAULINGoverhauling v. Present participle of overhaul.
overhauling n. The act by which something is overhauled.
OVERHAUL v. to examine carefully for needed repairs.
OVERSLAUGHSoverslaughs n. Plural of overslaugh.
OVERSLAUGH v. to pass over someone in favor of another, as in a promotion.
RHABDOVIRUSrhabdovirus n. Any of the rod-shaped viruses belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae.
RHABDOVIRUS n. a class of virus that includes rabies.
UNHARVESTEDunharvested adj. Not harvested.
UNHARVESTED adj. not harvested.
UNVARNISHEDunvarnished adj. Not having been coated with varnish (or a similar surface treatment).
unvarnished adj. (Figuratively, by extension) Natural, unmodified, unembellished, not exaggerated.
UNVARNISHED adj. not adorned or glossed.
VANQUISHERSvanquishers n. Plural of vanquisher.
VANQUISHER n. one who vanquishes.
VANQUISHINGvanquishing v. Present participle of vanquish.
VANQUISH v. to defeat in battle.
VOUCHSAFINGvouchsafing v. Present participle of vouchsafe.
vouchsafing n. The act of one who vouchsafes something.
VOUCHSAFING n. the act of granting as a privilege or special favour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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