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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, G, H and Z

APHETIZINGaphetizing v. Present participle of aphetize.
APHETIZE v. to lose the first vowel of a word, also APHETISE.
APHORIZINGaphorizing v. Present participle of aphorize.
APHORIZE v. to make a concise statement, also APHORISE.
ARCHAIZINGarchaizing v. Present participle of archaize.
ARCHAIZE v. to use idioms, also ARCHAISE.
ATHETIZINGathetizing v. Present participle of athetize.
ATHETIZE v. in textual criticism, to reject (a passage) as spurious, also ATHETISE.
GAZEHOUNDSgazehounds n. Plural of gazehound.
gaze-hounds n. Plural of gaze-hound (alternative form of gazehounds).
GAZEHOUND n. a hound that pursues by the sight rather than by the scent.
GOLIATHIZEGOLIATHIZE v. to play Goliath, exaggerate extravagantly, also GOLIATHISE.
GRAPHITIZEgraphitize v. To convert to graphite.
graphitize v. To coat with graphite.
GRAPHITIZE v. to convert wholly or partly into graphite, also GRAPHITISE.
HEBRAIZINGHebraizing v. Present participle of Hebraize.
HEBRAIZE v. to make Hebrew, also HEBRAISE.
HEPATIZINGhepatizing v. Present participle of hepatize.
HEPATIZE v. to convert into a liver-like substance, also HEPATISE.
HUMANIZINGhumanizing v. Present participle of humanize.
HUMANIZE v. to make human, also HUMANISE.
LETHARGIZElethargize v. To make lethargic.
LETHARGIZE v. to make lethargic, also LETHARGISE.
WHIZZBANGSwhizzbangs n. Plural of whizzbang.
whizz-bangs n. Plural of whizz-bang.
WHIZZBANG n. a light shell of high velocity which is heard arriving before the gun's report; a firework resembling this, also WHIZBANG.
ZINCOGRAPHzincograph n. An engraved zinc plate used in zincography.
zincograph n. An engraving made with such a plate.
ZINCOGRAPH n. a plate or picture produced by zincography.
ZOOGRAPHERzoographer n. One who carries out zoography; a describer of animals.
zoögrapher n. Alternative spelling of zoographer.
ZOOGRAPHER n. one who describes animals, their forms and habits, also ZOOGRAPHIST.
ZOOGRAPHICzoographic adj. Of or pertaining to zoography.
ZOOGRAPHIC adj. relating to zoography, the painting or description of animals, also ZOOGRAPHICAL.
ZOOPHAGANSzoophagans n. Plural of zoophagan.
ZOOPHAGAN n. an animal that feeds on animal food.
ZOOPHAGIESZOOPHAGY n. the practice of feeding on animals.
ZOOPHAGOUSzoophagous adj. Carnivorous.
zoöphagous adj. Alternative spelling of zoophagous.
ZOOPHAGOUS adj. feeding on animals.
ZYGOBRANCHzygobranch n. A zygobranchiate mollusc.
ZYGOBRANCH n. a type of gastropod having paired, symmetrically placed gills, also ZYGOBRANCHIATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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