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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing A, F, G and V

FAVORINGLYfavoringly adv. In a favoring way.
FAVORING adv. FAVOR, to regard with goodwill, also FAVOUR.
FIGURATIVEfigurative adj. Of use as a metaphor, simile, metonym or other figure of speech, as opposed to literal; using figures;…
figurative adj. Metaphorically so called.
figurative adj. With many figures of speech.
FLAGSTAVESflagstaves n. Plural of flagstaff.
flag-staves n. Plural of flag-staff.
flag␣staves n. Plural of flag staff.
FLAVORINGSflavorings n. Plural of flavoring.
FLAVORING n. something that adds flavor.
FLAVOURINGflavouring n. Britain standard spelling of flavoring.
flavouring v. Present participle of flavour.
FLAVOURING n. something that adds flavour.
FORGIVABLEforgivable adj. Able to be forgiven; worthy of forgiveness.
forgivable adj. (Finance, not comparable) Of a loan, or a portion of it: such that repayment may be deferred for a period…
FORGIVABLE adj. that can be forgiven.
FORGIVABLYforgivably adv. In a forgivable way.
FORGIVABLE adv. that can be forgiven.
LIFESAVINGlifesaving adj. (Uncommon) Alternative form of life-saving.
lifesaving n. The act of saving a life, especially from drowning.
life-saving adj. Preserving life; preventing death.
VERMIFUGALvermifugal adj. (Medicine) Tending to prevent, destroy, or expel worms or vermin; anthelmintic.
VERMIFUGAL adj. serving to expel worms.
VOUTSAFINGvoutsafing v. Present participle of voutsafe.
VOUTSAFE v. (Milton) to vouchsafe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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