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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing A, 2B and V

ABBREVIATEabbreviate v. (Obsolete, transitive) To shorten by omitting parts or details.
abbreviate v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To speak or write in a brief manner.
abbreviate v. (Transitive) To make shorter; to shorten (in time); to abridge; to shorten by ending sooner than planned.
ABOVEBOARDaboveboard adj. Alternative form of above-board.
above-board adj. In open sight; without trick, concealment, or deception.
above-board adv. Honestly; openly.
ABSOLVABLEabsolvable adj. That may be absolved.
ABSOLVABLE adj. capable of being absolved.
BABBLATIVEbabblative adj. (Obsolete) babbling.
BABBLATIVE adj. given to babbling, loquacious.
BELIEVABLEbelievable adj. Capable of being believed; credible.
BELIEVABLE adj. that can be believed.
BELIEVABLYbelievably adv. In a believable way.
believably adv. Used to express the speaker’s assessment of the credibility of a reported statement.
BELIEVABLE adv. that can be believed.
OBSERVABLEobservable adj. Able to be observed.
observable adj. Deserving to be observed; worth regarding; remarkable.
observable n. (Physics) Any physical property that can be observed and measured directly and not derived from other properties.
OBSERVABLYobservably adv. (Degree) To a detectable degree, sufficient to be observed.
observably adv. (Manner) In an observable manner.
observably adv. (Modal) Indicates that the proposition can be verified by observation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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