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There are 13 five-letter words containing A, I and Q

FAQIRfaqir n. (Islam) A religious mendicant who owns no personal property.
FAQIR n. (Arabic) a Hindu ascetic, also FAKEER, FAKIR, FAQUIR.
MAQUImaqui n. A South American shrub (Aristotelia chilensis) native to the Valdivian temperate rainforest ecoregion…
maqui n. The edible berry of this shrub.
maqui n. Misspelling of maquis (Mediterranean coastal scrub).
NIQABniqab n. A veil which covers the face, worn by some Muslim women as a part of sartorial hijab.
niqāb n. Alternative spelling of niqab.
NIQAB n. (Arabic) a veil covering the face, worn by Muslim women, also NIKAB, NIQAAB.
QADISqadis n. Plural of qadi.
QADI n. (Arabic) a civil judge in a Muslim country, also CADI, CAID, KADI, KAID, QAID.
QAIDSqaids n. Plural of qaid.
QAID n. (Arabic) a civil judge in a Muslim country, also CADI, CAID, KADI, KAID, QADI.
QAPIKqapik n. A unit of currency equivalent to a hundredth of an Azerbaijani manat.
QAPIK n. (Azerbaijani) a monetary unit of Azerbaijan, one hundredth of a manat, also GOPIK.
QIBLAqibla n. (Islam) The direction in which Muslims face while praying, currently determined as the direction of…
QIBLA n. (Arabic) the direction of the place to which Muslims must turn for prayer, now the Kaaba at Mecca, also KEBLAH, KIBLA, KIBLAH.
QUAILquail v. (Intransitive) To waste away; to fade, to wither.
quail v. (Transitive, now rare) To daunt or frighten (someone).
quail v. (Intransitive) To lose heart or courage; to be daunted or fearful.
QUAIRQUAIR n. (obsolete) a quire; a book.
QUAISQUAI n. (French) a quay.
QUASIquasi adj. Resembling or having a likeness to something.
quasi- pref. Almost, virtually.
quasi- pref. Resembling, appearing as.
QUINAquina n. (Archaic) quinine.
QUINA n. (Quechua) a tree yielding cinchona bark, from which quinine is made, also CHINACHINA, CINCHONA, KINA, KINAKINA, QUINAQUINA, QUINQUINA.
UMIAQumiaq n. Alternative spelling of umiak.
UMIAQ n. (Inuit) an Eskimo canoe, also OOMIAC, OOMIACK, OOMIAK, UMIAC, UMIACK, UMIAK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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