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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 14 five-letter words containing 3A

ABACAabaca n. Musa textilis, a species of banana tree native to the Philippines grown for its textile, rope- and papermaking fibre.
abaca n. (Uncountable) The fiber of this plant, used in rope, fibers, and cloth.
ABACA n. (Tagalog) a Philippine plant, also ABAKA.
ABAKAabaka n. Alternative spelling of abaca.
abaká n. Alternative spelling of abaca.
ABAKA n. (Tagalog) the Manila-hemp plant, or its fiber, also ABACA.
ABAYAabaya n. Synonym of aba.
Abaya prop.n. A surname from Tagalog.
ABAYA n. a Syrian cloth of goat's or camel's hair; an outer garment made of it, also ABA, ABBA.
AFARAafara n. The limba tree.
AFARA n. (Yoruba) a type of West African tree having a light-coloured, straight-grained wood.
AGAMAagama n. Any of the various small, long-tailed lizards of the subfamily Agaminae of family Agamidae, especially…
Agama prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Agamidae – agamid lizards.
AGAMA n. (Caribbean) a kind of tropical lizard, also AGAMID.
ALAAPalaap n. Alternative form of alap.
ALAAP n. (Sanskrit) in Indian music, the introductory section of a raga, also ALAP, ALAPA.
ALAPAalapa n. Alternative form of alap.
ALAPA n. (Sanskrit) in Indian music, the introductory section of a raga, also ALAAP, ALAP.
ANANAanana n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of ananas.
ANANA n. (French) a pineapple, also ANANAS.
ANATAANATA n. (Sanskrit) the Buddhist belief in the impermanence of self, also ANATMAN.
ARABAaraba n. (Historical) A horse-drawn carriage once used for transportation in pre-modern Turkey.
ARABA n. (Arabic) a heavy screened wagon used by Tatars and others, also ARBA, AROBA.
ASANAasana n. A body position, typically associated with the practice of yoga.
asana n. Any of certain trees of genus Pterocarpus.
asana n. The wood of such trees, sometimes sold as Philippine mahogany.
AYAYAAYAYA n. (Inuit) a type of singing among the Inuit.
KAAMAkaama n. (Rare) The hartebeest.
KAAMA n. a large South African antelope, aka hartebeest.
TAATATAATA n. (East Africa) a child's word for father.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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