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List of 4-letter words containing

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There are 9 four-letter words containing A and 2R

ARARARAR n. the sandarac tree.
CARRcarr n. A bog or marsh; marshy ground, swampland.
carr n. A marsh or fen on which low trees or bushes grow; a marshy woodland.
carr n. Archaic form of car (“wheeled vehicle”).
ORRAorra adj. (Now Scotland) Superfluous; odd, unmatched, left over.
orra adj. (Now Scotland) Of people: idle, unemployed, disreputable.
ORRA adj. (Scots) odd, not matched.
PARRparr n. Young salmon, at a stage between fry and smolt when they feed chiefly on invertebrates but cannot tolerate saltwater.
parr n. A young leveret.
Parr prop.n. A surname.
RARErare adj. Very uncommon; scarce.
rare adj. (Of a gas) Thin; of low density.
rare adj. (UK, slang) Good; enjoyable.
RARKRARK v. (New Zealand) to reprimand.
REARrear v. (Transitive) To bring up to maturity, as offspring; to educate; to instruct; to foster.
rear v. (Transitive, said of people towards animals) To breed and raise.
rear v. (Intransitive) To rise up on the hind legs.
ROARroar v. (Intransitive) To make a loud, deep cry, especially from pain, anger, or other strong emotion.
roar v. To laugh in a particularly loud manner.
roar v. Of animals (especially a lion), to make a loud deep noise.
YARRyarr v. (Intransitive, archaic) To growl or snarl like a dog.
yarr n. (UK, dialect) The plant Spergula arvensis, corn spurry.
yarr interj. Alternative form of arr (“used stereotypically in imitation of pirates”).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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