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There are 19 four-letter words containing A, G and U

AGLUAGLU n. (Inuit) a hole in the ice through which a seal breathes, also AGLOO.
AGUEague n. (Obsolete) An acute fever.
ague n. (Pathology) An intermittent fever, attended by alternate cold and hot fits.
ague n. The cold fit or rigor of the intermittent fever.
AUGHaugh interj. Alternative form of argh.
AUGH interj. an interjection expressing despair or frustration.
GAUDgaud n. A cheap showy trinket.
gaud n. (Obsolete) trick; jest; sport.
gaud n. (Obsolete) deceit; fraud; artifice.
GAUMgaum n. (UK, dialectal, rare) Heed; attention.
gaum v. (Dialectal, obsolete) To understand; comprehend; consider.
gaum v. (US and UK, dialects, chiefly Midlands, Southern US, Appalachia) To smear.
GAUNGAUN v. (Scots) going.
GAUPgaup v. (Geordie) To stare, gape.
GAUP v. to stare stupidly, also GAWP, GORP.
GAURgaur n. An Asian species of wild bovine (Bos gaurus), of large size and an untamable disposition.
Gaur prop.n. An ancient Bengali city presently divided between Bangladesh and India, named Lakhnauti in the 12th…
GAUR n. (Hindi) a kind of wild ox, aka seladang.
GAUSgaus n. Plural of gau.
Gaus prop.n. Plural of Gau.
Gaus prop.n. A surname.
GUANguan n. Any (member) of several species of birds in the genera Aburria, Chamaepetes, Oreophasis, Penelope, Penelopina…
Guan prop.n. A surname.
guan- pref. (Pharmacology) Used to form names of guanidine derivatives used as antihypertensives.
GUARguar n. An annual legume (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba), used as a food for cattle and humans.
Guar. n. (Law) Abbreviation of guaranty.
GUAR n. (Hindi) a legume grown for forage and its seeds which yield guar gum.
GUGAguga n. (Scotland) solan goose or northern gannet.
GUGA n. (Gaelic) a young gannet, eaten as a delicacy in the Hebrides.
GULAgula n. The upper front of the neck, next to the chin; the upper throat.
gula n. (Zoology) A plate which in most insects supports the submentum.
gula n. (Architecture) A capping moulding; a cymatium.
JUGAjuga n. Plural of jugum.
Juga prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Semisulcospiridae – certain freshwater snails.
JUGUM n. (Latin) a pair of opposite leaves.
KAGUkagu n. A New Caledonian endemic bird species, Rhynochetos jubatus, the only surviving member of the family Rhynochetidae.
KAGU n. a flightless bird.
QUAGquag n. (Obsolete) quagmire; marsh; bog.
QUAG n. a quagmire.
RAGUragu n. Alternative spelling of ragù.
ragù n. An Italian pasta sauce containing ground meat cooked with sautéed vegetables in tomato sauce or some…
RAGU n. (Italian) in Italian cookery, a meat and tomato sauce.
RUGAruga n. (Anatomy, zootomy, botany, usually in the plural) A fold, crease or wrinkle.
RUGA n. (Latin) an anatomical fold or wrinkle.
YUGAyuga n. (Religion, Hinduism) In Hindu theology, a period of a few hundred or thousand years, or an epoch or…
YUGA n. (Sanskrit) one of the four Hindu ages of the world, also YUG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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