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List of 4-letter words containing

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There are 10 four-letter words containing A, F and U

AUFSaufs n. Plural of auf.
AUF n. (obsolete) an elf's child.
CAUFcauf n. A chest with holes for keeping fish alive in water.
cauf n. Pronunciation spelling of calf.
CAUF n. a coalminer's basket, also CORF.
FAUNfaun n. (Roman mythology) A woodland creature with pointed ears, legs, and short horns of a goat and a fondness…
faun n. (Entomology) Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Faunis.
FAUN n. a rural deity represented as a man with a goat's ears, horns, tail, and hind legs.
FAURFAUR adj. (Scots) far.
FAUTFAUT v. (Scots) to fault.
FAUXfaux adj. Fake or artificial.
Faux prop.n. A surname.
FAUX adj. (French) fake, as in faux naif, falsely simple or naive, feigning artlessness.
FRAUfrau n. A woman, especially a German woman.
FRAU n. (German) a woman, housewife.
HAUFHAUF n. (Scots) half.
LAUFLAUF n. (German) a run in a bobsleigh contest.
TUFAtufa n. Calcareous lime deposited by precipitation from a body of water, such as a hot spring.
tufa n. (Petrology) A variety of volcanic rock, tuff.
TUFA n. (Italian) a rock made of fine volcanic detritus, also CALCTUFA, TOPH, TOPHE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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