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There are 14 words containing UNIE

DUNIEWASSALDUNIEWASSAL n. (Gaelic) a Highland gentleman of inferior rank, also DUNIWASSAL, DUNNIEWASSAL.
DUNIEWASSALSDUNIEWASSAL n. (Gaelic) a Highland gentleman of inferior rank, also DUNIWASSAL, DUNNIEWASSAL.
LUNIERlunier adj. Comparative form of luny: more luny.
LUNY adj. crazy.
LUNIESlunies n. Plural of luny.
LUNY n. a crazy person, also LOONY, LOONEY, LOONIE.
LUNIESTluniest adj. Superlative form of luny: most luny.
LUNY adj. crazy.
MEUNIEREmeunière adj. (Cooking) Of fish: dredged in flour before being sautéd or pan-fried.
MEUNIERE adj. (French) of food, esp. fish, lightly coated in flour and fried in butter.
NOUNIERnounier adj. Comparative form of nouny: more nouny.
NOUNY adj. having many nouns.
NOUNIESTnouniest adj. Superlative form of nouny: most nouny.
NOUNY adj. having many nouns.
PRUNIERPrunier prop.n. A surname from French.
PRUNEY adj. resembling a prune.
PRUNIESTPRUNEY adj. resembling a prune.
PUNIERpunier adj. Comparative form of puny: more puny.
PUNY adj. of inferior size, strength or significance.
PUNIESTpuniest adj. Superlative form of puny: most puny.
PUNY adj. of inferior size, strength or significance.
TUNIERtunier adj. Comparative form of tuny: more tuny.
TUNY adj. tuneful, esp. in a superficial way.
TUNIESTtuniest adj. Superlative form of tuny: most tuny.
TUNY adj. tuneful, esp. in a superficial way.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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