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There are 15 eight-letter words containing ULUM

ACICULUMaciculum n. (Botany, zoology) A needlelike spine or bristle, specially the seta of an annelid.
ACICULUM n. (Latin) a bristlelike part.
BACULUMSbaculums n. Plural of baculum.
BACULUM n. (Latin) the bone in the penis of certain mammals.
CINGULUMcingulum n. The girdle of an alb.
cingulum n. (Neuroanatomy) A collection of white matter fibers projecting from the cingulate gyrus to the entorhinal…
cingulum n. (Anatomy) A ridge that girdles the base of an upper molar tooth.
COAGULUMcoagulum n. A mass of coagulated material; a clot or curd.
COAGULUM n. (Latin) a clot.
FRENULUMfrenulum n. (Anatomy) A small fold or ridge of tissue that supports or restrains the motion of the part to which…
frenulum n. (Entomology, zootomy) A bristle or row of bristles on the edge of the hindwings of some lepidoptera…
FRENULUM n. (Latin) a connecting fold of membrane, also FRENUM, FRAENUM.
FURCULUMfurculum n. (Anatomy) The wishbone or merrythought of birds, formed by the united clavicles.
FURCULUM n. (Latin) the jointed clavicles of a bird, aka wishbone, also FURCULA.
INOCULUMinoculum n. The active material used in an inoculation; an inoculant.
INOCULUM n. (Latin) the material used in an inoculation.
PABULUMSpabulums n. Plural of pabulum.
PABULUM n. (Latin) food, esp. a suspension or solution of nutrients in a state suitable for absorption; something (as writing or speech) that is insipid, simplistic, or bland, also PABLUM.
PENDULUMpendulum n. (Clocks, mechanics) A body suspended from a fixed support so that it swings freely back and forth under…
pendulum n. A lamp, etc. suspended from a ceiling.
pendulum n. A watch’s guard-ring by which it is attached to a chain.
SAECULUMsaeculum n. A length of time roughly equal to the potential lifetime of a human being or, equivalently, the complete…
SAECULUM n. (Latin) an astronomical or geological age, also SECULUM.
SECULUMSseculums n. Plural of seculum.
SECULUM n. (Latin) an astronomical or geological age, also SAECULUM.
SPECULUMspeculum n. (Medicine) A medical instrument used during an examination to dilate an orifice.
speculum n. A mirror, especially one used in a telescope.
speculum n. (Ornithology) A bright, lustrous patch of colour found on the wings of ducks and some other birds, usually…
SPICULUMspiculum n. A thrusting javelin used by Romans that replaced the pilum in the late 3rd century.
spiculum n. A sharp, pointed crystal, especially of ice.
spiculum n. (Zoology) A sharp, needle-like structure, especially those making up the skeleton of a sponge.
VASCULUMvasculum n. A container used by botanists to store newly-collected samples.
VASCULUM n. (Latin) a box used to hold plant specimens.
VINCULUMvinculum n. A bond or link signifying union.
vinculum n. (Arithmetic, obsolete) Any symbol used to group some of the terms in an expression, indicating that…
vinculum n. (Arithmetic) A horizontal line over the top of some of the terms in an expression, indicating that that…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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