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There are 8 words containing TAIT

STAITHstaith n. (Obsolete) A shore or a riverbank.
staith n. (UK, dialect) A landing place; an elevated staging upon a wharf for discharging coal, etc., as from…
STAITH n. a wharf for the transfer of coal or ore, also STAITHE.
STAITHEstaithe n. (UK, obsolete) A riverbank.
staithe n. (UK, archaic or dialectal) A fixed structure where ships land, especially to load and unload; wharf; landing stage.
staithe n. (UK, rail transport) An installation built at the railside or nearby for the storage of coal unloaded from wagons.
STAITHESstaithes n. Plural of staithe.
Staithes prop.n. A coastal village in Hinderwell parish, Scarborough district, North Yorkshire, England (OS grid ref NZ7818).
STAITHE n. a wharf for the transfer of coal or ore, also STAITH.
STAITHSstaiths n. Plural of staith.
STAITH n. a wharf for the transfer of coal or ore, also STAITHE.
TAITtait n. The honey possum (Tarsipes rostratus).
Tait prop.n. A Scottish surname transferred from the nickname, originally a nickname for a cheerful or lively person.
TAIT n. (Scots) a small portion, a pinch, also TATE.
TAITStaits n. Plural of tait.
Taits prop.n. Plural of Tait.
TAIT n. (Scots) a small portion, a pinch, also TATE.
UINTAITEuintaite n. Gilsonite.
UINTAITE n. a tar-like asphalt found in the Uinta valley, Utah, also UINTAHITE.
UINTAITESuintaites n. Plural of uintaite.
UINTAITE n. a tar-like asphalt found in the Uinta valley, Utah, also UINTAHITE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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