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There are 15 words containing SCULT

AUSCULTATEauscultate v. To listen (for example to the heart or lungs) by auscultation; to examine by auscultation.
AUSCULTATE v. to listen to the sounds made by internal organs (heart, lungs, etc.) to aid in a medical diagnosis.
AUSCULTATEDauscultated v. Simple past tense and past participle of auscultate.
AUSCULTATE v. to listen to the sounds made by internal organs (heart, lungs, etc.) to aid in a medical diagnosis.
AUSCULTATESauscultates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of auscultate.
AUSCULTATE v. to listen to the sounds made by internal organs (heart, lungs, etc.) to aid in a medical diagnosis.
AUSCULTATINGauscultating v. Present participle of auscultate.
AUSCULTATE v. to listen to the sounds made by internal organs (heart, lungs, etc.) to aid in a medical diagnosis.
AUSCULTATIONauscultation n. (Medicine) Diagnosis of disorders by listening to the sounds of the internal organs, usually using a stethoscope.
AUSCULTATION n. the act of listening, esp. the act of listening for sounds made by internal organs, as the heart and lungs, to aid in the diagnosis of certain disorders.
AUSCULTATIONSauscultations n. Plural of auscultation.
AUSCULTATION n. the act of listening, esp. the act of listening for sounds made by internal organs, as the heart and lungs, to aid in the diagnosis of certain disorders.
AUSCULTATIVEauscultative adj. Relating to auscultation.
AUSCULTATIVE adj. related to auscultation, also AUSCULTATORY.
AUSCULTATORauscultator n. One who practices auscultation.
auscultator n. An instrument for auscultation.
auscultator n. (Historical) In Germany, one who had passed his first public examination in law, and who was merely…
AUSCULTATORSauscultators n. Plural of auscultator.
AUSCULTATOR n. a person practising auscultation.
AUSCULTATORYauscultatory adj. Of or pertaining to auscultation.
AUSCULTATORY adj. relating to auscultation, also AUSCULTATIVE.
MASSCULTmasscult n. The modern industrial equivalent of culture, mass-produced and anonymously consumed, without specialization…
MASSCULT n. culture as promoted by the mass media.
MASSCULTSMASSCULT n. culture as promoted by the mass media.
TRANSCULTURALtranscultural adj. (Sociology, anthropology) Extending through more than one human culture.
transcultural adj. Not culturally specific.
TRANSCULTURAL adj. involving, encompassing, or extending across two or more cultures.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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