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There are 12 words containing RONER

CORONERcoroner n. (Commonwealth, Japan, law) A public official who presides over an inquest into unnatural deaths, and…
coroner n. (Canada, US, medicine) A medical doctor who performs autopsies and determines time and cause of death…
coroner n. (Isle of Man) The administrative head of a sheading.
CORONERScoroners n. Plural of coroner.
CORONER n. an officer who investigates questionable deaths, also CROWNER.
CORONERSHIPcoronership n. The role or office of coroner.
CORONERSHIP n. the office of coroner.
CORONERSHIPScoronerships n. Plural of coronership.
CORONERSHIP n. the office of coroner.
DETHRONERdethroner n. One who dethrones.
DETHRONER n. one who dethrones.
DETHRONERSdethroners n. Plural of dethroner.
DETHRONER n. one who dethrones.
DRONERdroner n. One who drones.
DRONER n. one who drones.
DRONERSdroners n. Plural of droner.
DRONER n. one who drones.
IRONERironer n. Someone who irons, someone who does ironing.
ironer n. A mangle, a device used to iron clothes.
IRONER n. a machine for pressing clothes.
IRONERSironers n. Plural of ironer.
IRONER n. a machine for pressing clothes.
KRONERkroner n. Plural of krone.
Kroner prop.n. A surname.
KRONE n. (Norwegian) a former monetary unit of Austria.
PRONERproner adj. Comparative form of prone: more prone.
PRONE adj. lying face down.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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