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There are 17 six-letter words containing RIST

AORISTaorist n. (Grammar) A verb paradigm found in certain languages, usually an unmarked form or one that expresses…
aorist n. (Grammar) A particular verb in the aorist.
aorist adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to a verb in the aorist aspect.
ARISTAarista n. (Biology) One of the fibrils found on grains or fishes.
arista n. (Entomology) A bristle on the third segment of a fly’s antenna.
Arista prop.n. A surname.
ARISTOaristo n. (Informal) An aristocrat.
aristo n. (Slang, Nigeria) A wealthy man, especially married, who has sexual affairs with much younger women and…
aristo- pref. Best.
AURISTaurist n. (Medicine, dated) One skilled in treating and curing disorders of the ear.
AURIST n. a specialist on the ear and its diseases.
CRISTAcrista n. Any of the internal compartments formed by the inner membrane of a mitochondrion, where many chemical…
crista n. A dental crest.
CRISTA n. (Latin) a ridge or fold resembling a crest.
FRISTSfrists n. Plural of frist.
frists v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of frist.
FRIST v. to postpone, grant time.
GRISTSgrists n. Plural of grist.
grists v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of grist.
GRIST n. grain for grinding.
JURISTjurist n. (Law) An expert of law or someone who researches jurisprudence.
jurist n. (US, Canada, law) A judge.
JURIST n. one versed in the law.
LYRISTlyrist n. (Music) A person who plays the lyre.
lyrist n. (Music) lyricist.
lyrist n. A lyrical poet.
PURISTpurist adj. Of or pertaining to purism.
purist n. An advocate of purism.
PURIST n. one who practises purism.
RISTRAristra n. An arrangement of chili pepper pods (or sometimes garlic) to aid drying and sometimes to serve as a decoration.
RISTRA n. a string of dried chili peppers.
THRISTthrist n. Obsolete form of thirst.
thrist v. Obsolete form of thirst.
THRIST v. (Spenser) to thirst.
TRISTEtriste adj. (Rare) sad.
triste n. (UK, dialect) A cattle fair.
TRISTE adj. (archaic) sad, also TRIST, TRISTFUL.
UPRISTuprist n. (Obsolete) Uprising.
uprist n. (Obsolete, Christianity) The Resurrection.
UPRIST n. a revolt, also UPREST, UPRISING.
VERISTverist n. One who subscribes to verism.
VERIST n. an adherent of verism, an artistic preference for the everyday over the legendary.
WRISTSwrists n. Plural of wrist.
WRIST n. the junction between the hand and forearm.
WRISTYwristy adj. Characterised by marked or exaggerated movement of the wrist; involving deft wrist movements.
wristy n. (Slang) A handjob.
WRISTY adj. making extensive use of the wrists.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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