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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing OTON

ANTIPROTONSantiprotons n. Plural of antiproton.
ANTIPROTON n. the antiparticle of a proton.
CARDIOTONICcardiotonic adj. That has a favourable (tonic) effect on the action of the heart.
cardiotonic n. Any drug or substance having a tonic effect on the heart.
CARDIOTONIC n. a substance that tends to increase the tonus of heart muscle.
COTONEASTERcotoneaster n. Any of several erect or creeping shrubs, of the genus Cotoneaster, that have pinkish flowers and red berries.
Cotoneaster prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rosaceae.
COTONEASTER n. any shrub or small tree of the genus Cotoneaster, related to hawthorn.
DISULFOTONSDISULFOTON n. an organophosphorus systemic insecticide.
ISOTONICITYisotonicity n. The state of being isotonic, or extent to which something is isotonic.
ISOTONICITY n. the quality of being isotonic.
MONOTONISEDMONOTONISE v. to make into a monotone, also MONOTONIZE.
MONOTONISESMONOTONISE v. to make into a monotone, also MONOTONIZE.
MONOTONIZEDmonotonized v. Simple past tense and past participle of monotonize.
MONOTONIZE v. to make into a monotone, also MONOTONISE.
MONOTONIZESmonotonizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of monotonize.
MONOTONIZE v. to make into a monotone, also MONOTONISE.
MOTONEURONSmotoneurons n. Plural of motoneuron.
MOTONEURON n. a neuron that passes from the central nervous system toward a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes movement.
MULTIPHOTONmultiphoton adj. Involving multiple photons.
MULTIPHOTON adj. having many photons.
PHOTONASTICphotonastic adj. (Of the growth of a plant) in response to light (and not just in the direction of the light source).
PHOTONASTIC adj. related to photonasty, the adoption of a certain position due to the effect of light on growth.
PHOTONOVELSphotonovels n. Plural of photonovel.
PHOTONOVEL n. a novel in the form of a series of photographs with speech balloons.
PROTONATINGprotonating v. Present participle of protonate.
PROTONATE v. to acquire an additional proton.
PROTONATIONprotonation n. (Chemistry) The addition of a proton (hydrogen ion) to an atom, molecule or ion, normally to generate a cation.
PROTONATION n. the acquisition of an additional proton.
PROTONEMATAprotonemata n. Plural of protonema.
PROTONEMA n. a branched filament produced by germination of a moss spore, giving rise to moss plants from buds.
PROTONOTARYprotonotary n. Alternative spelling of prothonotary.
PROTONOTARY n. a court clerk; a chief clerk of any of various courts of law, also PROTHONOTARY.
SOMATOTONIASOMATOTONIA n. a pattern of temperament and body type in which alertness and aggression are combined with mesomorphic build.
SOMATOTONICsomatotonic adj. Designating a personality type characterised as aggressive and extroverted.
SOMATOTONIC n. a person who has an extroverted and aggressive personality type.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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