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There are 18 six-letter words containing DIES

ADDIESaddies n. Plural of addy.
Addies n. Plural of Addie.
ADDY n. (slang) an email address.
BODIESbodies n. Plural of body.
bodies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of body.
BODY v. to give form to.
CADIEScadies n. Plural of cadie.
cadies n. Plural of cady.
CADIE n. (Scots) a caddie, also CADEE.
DIDIESdidies n. Plural of didie.
didies n. Plural of didy.
DIDY n. a diaper, also DIDIE.
DIESELdiesel n. A fuel derived from petroleum (or other oils) but heavier than gasoline/petrol. Used to power diesel…
diesel n. (Countable) A vehicle powered by a diesel engine.
diesel n. (Cycling, slang) A rider who has an even energy output, without bursts of speed.
DIESESdieses n. Plural of diesis.
DIESIS n. (Greek) a reference mark in printing.
DIESISdiesis n. (Music) Any of several intervals, smaller than a tone, in ancient Greek music.
diesis n. The double dagger sign (‡).
DIESIS n. (Greek) a reference mark in printing.
EDDIESeddies n. Plural of eddy.
eddies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of eddy.
Eddies n. Plural of Eddie.
INDIESindies n. Plural of indy.
indies n. Plural of indie.
Indies prop.n. The East Indies, including India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and adjacent lands.
JUDIESJudies n. Plural of Judy.
JUDY n. (slang) a girl, a girlfriend.
LADIESladies n. Plural of lady.
ladies n. (Britain, euphemistic) A ladies’ room: a lavatory intended for use by women.
ladies' n. Possessive case of lady: belonging to some or all ladies.
NUDIESnudies n. Plural of nudie.
NUDIE n. (slang) a film featuring nudity.
OLDIESoldies n. Plural of oldie.
OLDY n. (colloquial) an old person or thing, also OLDIE.
RUDIESrudies n. Plural of rudie.
Rudies prop.n. Plural of Rudie.
RUDIE n. (slang) a rude boy, also RUDE, RUDESBY.
TIDIEStidies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tidy.
TIDY v. to make tidy.
TODIEStodies n. Plural of tody.
TODY n. a small West Indian insectivorous bird.
UNDIESundies n. (Plural only, informal) underwear, underpants.
undies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of undie.
UNDIES n. women's underclothing.
WADIESwadies n. Plural of wadi.
wadies n. Plural of wady.
WADY n. (Arabic) the dry bed of a torrent; a river valley, also WADI.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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