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There are 10 seven-letter words containing AMBU

HAMBURGhamburg n. (Slang, Midwestern US) hamburger (food).
hamburg n. (Uncountable, New England) ground beef; hamburger meat.
hamburg v. (Grenada) To annoy.
JAMBULSjambuls n. Plural of jambul.
JAMBUL n. (Sanskrit) the rose-apple tree of Malaysia, also JAMBOLAN, JAMBOLANA, JAMBOOL, JAMBU.
SAMBUCAsambuca n. An Italian liqueur made from elderberries and flavoured with licorice, traditionally served with 3 coffee…
sambuca n. (Music) An ancient form of triangular harp having a very sharp, shrill tone.
sambuca n. An ancient type of ship-borne siege engine.
SAMBUKEsambuke n. (Music) Alternative form of sambuca.
SAMBUKE n. (Latin) an ancient stringed instrument, also SAMBUCA.
SAMBURSsamburs n. Plural of sambur.
SAMBUR n. (Hindi) a large Asian deer, also SAMBAR, SAMBHAR, SAMBHUR.
TAMBURAtambura n. (Music) A type of long-necked lute-like stringed instrument found throughout the world.
TAMBURA n. (Arabic) an Eastern stringed instrument, used to produce a drone, also TAMBOURA, TAMBUR.
TAMBURStamburs n. Plural of tambur.
TAMBUR n. (Arabic) an Eastern stringed instrument, used to produce a drone, also TAMBOURA, TAMBURA.
YNAMBUSynambus n. Plural of ynambu.
YNAMBU n. (Tupi) a South American bird, a large tinamou.
ZAMBUCKzambuck n. Alternative spelling of zambuk.
ZAMBUCK n. (New Zealand) a member of the St John's ambulance brigade, esp. one on duty at a sporting event, also ZAMBUK.
ZAMBUKSzambuks n. Plural of zambuk.
Zam-buks n. Plural of Zam-buk.
ZAMBUK n. (New Zealand) a member of the St John's ambulance brigade, esp. one on duty at a sporting event, also ZAMBUCK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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