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There are 15 eight-letter words containing AES

AESCULINaesculin n. Alternative form of esculin.
æsculin n. Obsolete form of esculin.
AESCULIN n. a glucoside found in horse-chestnut bark.
AESTHETEaesthete n. (Often derogatory) Someone who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature…
æsthete n. Obsolete form of aesthete.
AESTHETE n. a person who affects an extravagant love of art.
AESTIVALaestival adj. Alternative spelling of estival.
æstival adj. Obsolete spelling of estival.
AESTIVAL adj. of summer.
ANAPAESTanapaest n. (UK) Alternative form of anapest.
anapæst n. Archaic form of anapest.
ANAPAEST n. (Greek) a type of metrical foot, also ANAPEST.
CAESIOUScaesious adj. Having a blue color very low in chroma.
cæsious adj. Alternative spelling of caesious.
CAESIOUS adj. having a bluish coating, also CESIOUS.
CAESIUMSCAESIUM n. a metallic element.
CAESURAEcaesurae n. Plural of caesura.
cæsuræ n. Plural of cæsura.
CAESURA n. (Latin) a pause in a line of verse, also CESURA.
CAESURALcaesural adj. Of or pertaining to a caesura.
cæsural adj. Archaic form of caesural.
CAESURAL adj. relating to a caesura.
CAESURAScaesuras n. Plural of caesura.
cæsuras n. Plural of cæsura.
CAESURA n. (Latin) a pause in a line of verse, also CESURA.
CAESURICcaesuric adj. Of or relating to a caesura.
CAESURIC adj. relating to a caesura.
MAESTOSOmaestoso adv. (Music) majestically.
maestoso n. (Music) A passage to be played majestically.
MAESTOSO n. (Italian) a stately musical passage.
MAESTROSmaestros n. Plural of maestro.
MAESTRO n. (Italian) a master of an art.
PAESANOSpaesanos n. Plural of paesano.
PAESANO n. (Spanish) a fellow countryman, also PAESAN, PAISAN, PAISANO.
QUAESTORquaestor n. (Historical) An Ancient Roman official responsible for public revenue and other financial affairs.
quaestor n. (Historical) The Quaestor sacri palatii of the late Roman Empire and Byzantium; first generally a legislator…
quaestor n. (Historical) In the Middle Ages, an officer who announced indulgences.
WAESUCKSWAESUCKS interj. (Scots) interjection used to express pity, alas, also WAESUCK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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