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There are 14 words ending with POLIS

POLISpolis n. (Historical) A Greek city-state.
polis n. (Uncountable, Scotland, Ireland, Geordie) The police.
polis n. (Countable, Scotland, Ireland, Geordie) A police officer.
PROPOLISpropolis n. An aromatic glue-like substance produced by honeybees from tree resin, waxes, and their own secretions…
PROPOLIS n. (Greek) a resinous substance used as a cement by bees.
TRIPOLIStripolis n. Plural of tripoli.
Tripolis prop.n. Former name of Tripoli, Greece.
TRIPOLI n. an earthy substance originally brought from Tripoli, used in polishing stones and metals, aka diatomite.
ACROPOLISacropolis n. A promontory (usually fortified with a citadel) forming the hub of many Grecian cities, and around which…
Acropolis prop.n. The Athenian Acropolis. (Compare acropolis.)
ACROPOLIS n. (Greek) a citadel, esp. that of Athens.
IDEOPOLISideopolis n. A city or region characterized by its knowledge and ideas.
IDEOPOLIS n. a city that is sustained primarily by intellectual enterprises such as education, the media, advertising and design, with a highly educated workforce.
MENOPOLISMENOPOLIS n. (colloquial) an area with a high proportion of single men.
COSMOPOLIScosmopolis n. An important city, such as a capital city, inhabited by people from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds.
COSMOPOLIS n. a large city.
METROPOLISmetropolis n. (History, especially Ancient Greece) The mother (founding) polis (city state) of a colony.
metropolis n. A large, busy city, especially as the main city in an area or country or as distinguished from surrounding…
metropolis n. (Orthodox Christianity) The see of a metropolitan bishop, ranking above its suffragan diocesan bishops.
NECROPOLISnecropolis n. (Chiefly historical, also figuratively) A cemetery; especially a large one in or near a city.
necropolis n. (Archaeology) An ancient site used for burying the dead, particularly if consisting of elaborate grave monuments.
NECROPOLIS n. (Greek) a cemetery or burial place.
PENTAPOLISpentapolis n. A geographic and/or institutional grouping of five cities.
PENTAPOLIS n. an alliance of five cities.
TETRAPOLIStetrapolis n. A group of four cities.
TETRAPOLIS n. a group of four cities.
MEGALOPOLISmegalopolis n. A large conurbation, where two or more large cities have sprawled outward to meet, forming something…
Megalopolis prop.n. Dated form of Megalopoli.
MEGALOPOLIS n. a wide-spreading, thickly-populated urban area.
TECHNOPOLIStechnopolis n. A technologically advanced city, or one heavily involved in mechanised manufacture of goods, especially…
TECHNOPOLIS n. a society ruled by technology; a geographical area where projects in technological research and development are concentrated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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