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There are 17 words ending with POLAR

AMBIPOLARambipolar adj. Reacting to both positive and negative polarity.
AMBIPOLAR adj. of plasmas and semiconductors, involving both positive and negative charge carriers.
ANTIPOLARantipolar adj. Relating to or located at an antipole.
antipolar adj. Diametrically opposed.
ANTIPOLAR adj. relating to an antipole, the opposite pole.
BIPOLARbipolar adj. Involving or having both extremes or poles at the same time.
bipolar adj. Relating to both polar regions.
bipolar adj. (Physics) Relating to a bipole.
CIRCUMPOLARcircumpolar adj. Located or found throughout a polar region.
circumpolar adj. (Astronomy) Of a celestial body, continually visible above the horizon during the entire 360 degrees of daily travel.
CIRCUMPOLAR adj. continually visible above the horizon.
CUPOLARcupolar adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to a cupola.
CUPOLAR adj. pertaining to a spherical vault.
DIPOLARdipolar adj. (Physics) Having north and south magnetic poles.
dipolar adj. (Physics, chemistry) Possessing a dipole.
DIPOLAR adj. having two poles, as a magnetic bar.
ELECTROPOLARelectropolar adj. Possessing electrical polarity; having positive and negative charges at opposite ends; said of a conductor.
ELECTROPOLAR adj. having, as an electrical conductor, one end or surface positive and the other negative.
HETEROPOLARheteropolar adj. Of an electric generator that produces alternating current.
heteropolar adj. (Chemistry) Formed by ions of opposite charge.
HETEROPOLAR adj. polar, in the chemical sense.
HOMOPOLARhomopolar adj. (Physics) Having symmetrically equal distribution of polarity.
HOMOPOLAR adj. having an equal distribution of charge, as in a covalent bond.
INTERPOLARinterpolar adj. Between poles.
INTERPOLAR adj. between poles.
MULTIPOLARmultipolar adj. (Physics, biology) Having more than two poles.
multipolar adj. (Politics) Of or relating to an international system in which a number of states wield most of the cultural…
multipolar n. An electromagnetic machine in which several magnetic poles exist.
NONPOLARnonpolar adj. (Physics) Not containing a dipole.
nonpolar adj. (Chemistry) Not ionic; not dissociating into ions when dissolved in water etc.
non-polar adj. Alternative spelling of nonpolar.
POLARpolar adj. Of or having a pole or polarity.
polar adj. (Geography) Of, relating to, measured from, or referred to a geographic pole (the North Pole or South…
polar adj. (Space sciences) Of an orbit that passes over, or near, one of these poles.
SEMIPOLARsemipolar adj. (Physics) Partially polar.
semipolar adj. (Chemistry) dative.
SEMIPOLAR adj. as in semipolar bond, a type of chemical bond.
SUBPOLARsubpolar adj. Situated below the poles.
SUBPOLAR adj. situated just outside the polar circles.
TRANSPOLARtranspolar adj. Extending across, or crossing one of the poles, or a polar region.
TRANSPOLAR adj. across the poles.
UNIPOLARunipolar adj. Having a single pole.
unipolar adj. (Psychology, medicine) Not both depressive and manic; not bipolar.
unipolar adj. (Politics) Of or relating to an international system in which one state wields most of the cultural…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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