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There are 20 words ending with LLON

BALLONballon n. (Ballet) The quality of a jump by which a ballet dancer appears to pause in midair.
BALLON n. (French) in dancing, lightness of movement.
BILLONbillon n. Any of several alloys of precious metals and base metals that are used (where legal) to make coins, medals etc.
BILLON n. (French) base metal, an alloy of copper, tin or silver.
BOUILLONbouillon n. A clear seasoned broth made by simmering usually light meat, such as beef or chicken.
bouillon n. An excrescence on a horse’s frush or frog.
BOUILLON n. (French) a strong broth.
CARILLONcarillon n. (Music) A set of bells, often in a bell tower, sometimes operated by means of a keyboard (manual or…
carillon n. A tune adapted to be played by musical bells.
carillon v. To play a carillon.
COTILLONcotillon n. Alternative form of cotillion.
COTILLON n. (French) an elaborate ballroom dance with frequent changes of partner, also COTILLION.
GALLONgallon n. A unit of volume, equivalent to eight pints.
gallon n. (Britain, Canada) exactly 4.54609 liters; an imperial gallon.
gallon n. (US) 231 cubic inches or approximately 3.785 liters for liquids (a "U.S. liquid gallon").
MATFELLONMATFELLON n. the greater knapweed, also MATFELON.
MEDAILLONmedaillon n. (Cooking) Synonym of medallion.
MEDAILLON n. (French) a small round or oval serving, as of meat.
MOELLONmoellon n. Rubble masonry.
MOELLON n. (French) rubble in mason-work.
PAILLONpaillon n. A thin leaf of metal, for use in gilding or enamelling, or to show through a translucent medium.
PAILLON n. (French) a decorative metallic scale or spangle; specifically a small piece of bright metal foil, used in enamel work.
PAPILLONpapillon n. (Sometimes capitalized) A small dog of a certain breed having large ears.
PAPILLON n. (French) a breed of toy spaniel with erect ears.
PAVILLONpavillon n. Archaic form of pavilion.
PAVILLON n. (French) the bell of a wind instrument.
QUILLONquillon n. The guard of a sword or other bladed weapon designed to protect the hand from harm.
quillon n. Either of the two arms of such a guard.
QUILLON n. (French) the arm of the cross-guard of a sword handle.
SCINTILLONscintillon n. The mechanism for particulate-based bioluminescence.
SCINTILLON n. a luminescent body present in the cytoplasm of some dinoflagellates.
SEMILLONSemillon prop.n. Alternative spelling of Sémillon.
Sémillon prop.n. A golden-skinned grape used to make dry and sweet white wines, most notably in France and Australia.
Sémillon prop.n. A variety of wine made from this grape.
SHALLONshallon n. The shrub salal.
SHALLON n. an evergreen shrub of NW America, aka salal.
TENAILLONtenaillon n. (Military, historical) A work constructed on each side of the ravelins to increase their strength, procure…
TENAILLON n. (French) an outwork to strengthen the side of a small ravelin.
TORTILLONtortillon n. An artist’s tool used to smudge and blend a drawing made from charcoal, pencil, or pastel, consisting…
TORTILLON n. a short sharply-pointed stick of cork or rolled leather, used in drawing and shading.
TOURBILLONtourbillon n. A rotating frame, containing the escapement of a clock or watch, that attempts to compensate for the…
tourbillon n. A whirlwind.
tourbillon n. A kind of firework that gyrates in the air.
VELLONvellon n. (Historical, often attributive) An old Spanish coin made from copper-based billon.
VELLON n. (Spanish) a copper and silver alloy used in Spanish coinage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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