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There are 16 words ending with ISAL

SISALsisal n. A Central American plant, Agave sisalana, cultivated for its sword-shaped leaves that yield fibers used for rope.
sisal n. The fibre of the plant.
sisal n. (Rare) A sisal mat.
DEVISALdevisal n. An act of devising.
DEVISAL n. the act of devising.
INCISALincisal adj. Relating to an incisor, or to the cutting edge of a tooth.
INCISAL adj. relating to the cutting edge of a tooth.
REVISALrevisal n. The act of revising; a revision.
REVISAL n. a revised version, also REVISION.
UPRISALuprisal n. (Archaic) An uprising.
UPRISAL n. the act of uprising.
CHAMISALchamisal n. Dated form of chamise. (American shrub)
CHAMISAL n. (Spanish) a thicket of chamisos.
DESPISALdespisal n. Contempt; scornful hatred.
DESPISAL n. the act of despising.
REPRISALreprisal n. An act of retaliation.
reprisal n. (Archaic) Something taken from an enemy in retaliation.
reprisal n. (Archaic) The act of taking something from an enemy by way of retaliation or indemnity.
SURMISALsurmisal n. Surmise.
SURMISAL n. a guess.
APPRAISALappraisal n. The act or process of developing an opinion of value.
appraisal n. A judgment or assessment of the value of something, especially a formal one.
APPRAISAL n. the act of appraising.
COMPRISALcomprisal n. The act of comprising or comprehending; a compendium or epitome.
COMPRISAL n. the act, condition or fact of comprising.
PARADISALparadisal adj. Like paradise; paradisiacal.
PARADISAL adj. relating to paradise, also PARADISIC.
SURPRISALsurprisal n. (Obsolete, military) A surprise attack or ambush; a sudden or unexpected assault.
surprisal n. (Obsolete) A sudden coming-upon someone or something unexpectedly or unawares.
surprisal n. (Obsolete) A surprising event or occurrence.
SUPERVISALsupervisal n. (Dated) supervision.
SUPERVISAL n. supervision.
REAPPRAISALreappraisal n. A second look at or reassess a value of something; a new appraisal.
REAPPRAISAL n. the act of reappraising.
MISAPPRAISALmisappraisal n. A bad or inaccurate appraisal.
MISAPPRAISAL n. a wrong appraisal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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