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There are 19 nine-letter words beginning with RAIN

RAINBANDSrainbands n. Plural of rainband.
RAINBAND n. a dark band in the earth's atmosphere, caused by the presence of water vapour in the earth's atmosphere.
RAINBIRDSrainbirds n. Plural of rainbird.
Rainbirds prop.n. Plural of Rainbird.
RAINBIRD n. a bird, such as the green woodpecker, supposed to foretell rain.
RAINBOWEDrainbowed adj. Resembling, involving, or illuminated with a rainbow; patterned with the colours of the rainbow.
rainbowed adj. (Chiefly US, rare) Made up of several races or ethnicities; rainbow.
rainbowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of rainbow.
RAINCHECKraincheck n. Alternative form of rain check.
raincheck v. To take a raincheck on; to postpone.
rain␣check n. (Originally) A reissue, at no extra charge, of a ticket for a baseball game or other outdoor event postponed…
RAINCOATSraincoats n. Plural of raincoat.
RAINCOAT n. a coat worn to keep off the rain.
RAINDATESraindates n. Plural of raindate.
RAINDATE n. an alternate date in the event of rain.
RAINDROPSraindrops n. Plural of raindrop.
RAINDROP n. a drop of rain.
RAINFALLSrainfalls n. Plural of rainfall.
RAINFALL n. a fall of rain.
RAININESSraininess n. The state or condition of being rainy.
RAININESS n. the state of being rainy.
RAINMAKERrainmaker n. Someone or something that causes or attempts to cause rain to fall.
rainmaker n. (Originally Canada, US, figuratively, informal) A person having the ability to generate business, raise…
rainmaker n. (Baseball, informal) A batted ball that is hit very high into the air.
RAINPROOFrainproof adj. Waterproof (for use outdoors); resistant to rain.
rainproof v. To make rainproof.
RAINPROOF v. to make proof against rain.
RAINSPOUTrainspout n. A spout through which rainwater can drain from the roof of a building, etc.
RAINSPOUT n. a gutter, a downspout.
RAINSTICKrainstick n. A hollow tube partially filled with pebbles or beans, and with small pins or thorns arranged helically…
rain␣stick n. Alternative spelling of rainstick.
RAINSTICK n. a musical instrument consisting of a tube filled with sand or pebbles, which is inverted to produce a sound.
RAINSTORMrainstorm n. A storm characterized by substantial, heavy rainfall.
RAINSTORM n. a storm of rain.
RAINSUITSrainsuits n. Plural of rainsuit.
RAINSUIT n. a waterproof jacket and pants.
RAINSWEPTrainswept adj. Describing a place where it is raining heavily.
RAINSWEPT adj. (of a place) open to or characterized by frequent heavy rain.
RAINTIGHTraintight adj. So tight as to exclude rain.
RAINTIGHT adj. rainproof.
RAINWATERrainwater n. Rainfall.
rainwater n. Water (for a house etc) sourced from rain which has not joined a spring, stream or river, pond, lake or sea.
Rainwater prop.n. A surname.
RAINWEARSRAINWEAR n. waterproof clothing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 57 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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